1970 Bursa’da doğdu. 1981-1988 Bursa Anadolu Lisesi’nden mezun oldu.1988-1995 Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültes’nde Lisans Eğitimi’ni tamamladı.1997-2001 yılları arasında Taksim Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’nde Tıbbi Patoloji ihtisasını tamamladı. 2001-2013 yılları arasunda Taksim Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Tıbbi Patoloji Kliniği’nde uzman ve başasistan olarak görev yaptı.Bu dönemde 2005-2009 yılları arasında Sistem Tıp Lab.ları Tıbbi Patoloji Kliniği’ni kurarak burada part-time görev yaptı. 2014 yılında Patoloji doçenti oldu. 2014-2024 yılları arasında SBÜ GOP EAH’de görev yaptı.2018-2024 yılları arasında SBÜ GOP EAH’nde Tıbbi Patoloji Klinik İdari Sorumlusu olarak görev yaptı.12 Şubat 2024 tarihi itibarı ile İstinye Üniversitesi Tıbbi Patoloji ABD’nda Prof.Dr.olarak öğretim üyeliği yapmaktadır.
Araştırma Alanları
- Gastrointestinal Patoloji
- Endokrin Patoloji
- Neuropatoloji
- Jinekopatoloji ve Sitopatoloji
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Tıbbi Patoloji
- Evaluation of Risk Factors for Malignancy Obtained by Means of Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsies in Thyroid Nodules and Surgical Outcomes of Patients with Bethesda Category III (AUS/FLUS), 2023
- Clinical, laboratory, and histopathological evaluation of 493 patients who underwent endoscopic biopsy with a presumptive diagnosis of Coeliac disease: association with autoimmune diseases, 2022
- A case of Lafora Disease Diagnosed by Axillary Skin Biopsy., 2021
- Fine Needle Aspiration of Metastatic Malignant Melanoma in Parotid Gland :Case study, 2020
- Relation of cyclooxygenase -2 expression with premalignant gastric lesions, 2020
- Comparison and Analyses of Inraoperative Consültation and Paraffin Section responses of Ovarian Lesions, 2020
- Relation of cyclooxygenase-2 expression with premalignant gastric lesions., 2020
- The relationship between epithelial mesenchymal transition with Galectin-3 expression in low and high grade urothelial carcinomas of bladder, 2019
- Comparison of the diagnostic utility of manual screening and the thinprep imaging system in liquid-based cervical cytology, 2019
- Gliosarcoma Transforming from Giant Cell Glioblastoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature, 2019
- Localized Breast Amyloidosis, 2018
- Lomber intrameduller yerleşimli miksopapiller ependimom, 2018
- The Relationship Between Local Properties and Neck Metastasis, 2018
- Gastrointestinal stromal tumors: A clinical and histopathological presentation of 27 cases, 2018
- Evaluation of appendiceal mucinous neoplasms with a new classification system and literature review, 2018
- What does the data of 354,725 patients from turkey tell US about cervical smear epithelial cell abnormalities? - the epithelial cell abnormality rate is increasing - quality control studies and corrective activity are musts, 2017
- Nadir Lokalizasyonlu Malign Glomus Tümörü:Olgu sunumu, 2017
- What does the data of 354,725 patients from turkey tell US about cervical smear epithelial cell abnormalities? - The epithelial cell abnormality rate is increasing - quality control studies and corrective activity are musts, 2017
- Evaluation of hpv and p16 expression in the cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, 2017
- Malignant Glomus Tumour With A Rare Localization: Case Report, 2017
- A sigmoid-urachal -cutaneous fistula after acute diverticulitis, 2015
- Systemic Mastocytosis presenting by hepatosplenomegalycase report, 2015
- P53, KI-67, CD117 expression in gastrointestinal and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours and evaluation of their correlation with clinicopathological and prognostic parameters, 2015
- Arthritis in a patient with pancreatic carcinoma Is Rheumatoid arthritis or paraneoplastic syndrome?A case report., 2014
- Histopathologic changes in the middle ear mucosa after exposure to pepsin and unconjugated bile acid., 2014
- High risk HPV in situ hybridization ,p16 INK4A,and survivin expressions in cervical carcinomas and intraepithelial neoplasms :evaluation of prognostic factors, 2014
- A rare tumor of the parapharyngeal space :angiomyxolipoma ., 2013
- Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma In Male Breast:A Case Report, 2012
- Lenf nodu negatif meme kanserlerinde anjiogenez değerlendirmesi ve prognostik faktörlerle ilişkisinin karşılaştırılması, 2010
- Büyük basit böbrek kisti zemininde saklı böbrek hücreli karsinomolgu sunumu, 2010
- Prostatın karsinosarkomu(sarkomatoid karsinom):İki olgu sunumu., 2009
- Cox-2 expression and microvessel density in clear cell type renal cell carcinoma, 2009
- Q-VD-OPh, a pancaspase inhibitor,reduces trauma-induced apoptosis and improves the recovery of hind –limb function in rats after spinal cord injury”,, 2009
- Impact of ligating gonadal or adrenal collateral veins with the left renal vein on renal function and histology in right-nephrectomized rats, 2009
- Calpain inhibitor AK-295 inhibits calpain-induced apoptosis and improves neurological function after traumatic spinal cord injury in rats, 2009
- Lenf nodu negatif meme kanserinde mikrometastaz taraması ve prognostik parametrelerle karşılaştırılması, 2008
- p53,cox-2 expression and microvessel density in ovarian tumors, 2008
- Therapeutic Efficacy of SJA6017, a calpain inhibitor, in Rat Spinal Cord İnjury”, 2008
- Neuroprotective effects of Ac.YVAD.cmk on experimental spinal cord injury in rats, 2008
- Therapeutic efficacy of Ac-DMQD-CHO, a caspase 3 inhibitor, for rat spinal cord injury, 2008
- Tauroursodeoxycholic acid and secondary damage after spinal cord injury in rats, 2008
- The Effects of N-Acetylcysteine on Bile Duct Ligation–Induced Liver Fibrosis in Rats, 2007
- Giant adrenal hemorrhagic pseudocyst, 2007
- Multiple Primer Malign Neoplaziler :Olgu sunumu, 2004
- Meme ve aksiller lenf noduna metastaz yapmış over karsinom vakası, 2003
- Endometrial Lezyonların Değerlendirilmesinde sitolojinin yeri, TAO fırçası uygulaması sonuçları, 2003
- Memenin İntraduktal Hiperplazileri, atipik intraduktal hiperplazileri ve in situ duktal karsinomlarının ayırıcı tanısında LMWCK ve HMWCK Kullanımının önemi, 2003
- Prostatik asiner adenokarsinomda p53 ve Bcl-2 ekspresyonları ile Ki-67 Proliferasyon indeksinin değerlendirilmesi,Histopatolojik ve klinik prognostik faktörlerle ilişkisi., 2002
- Overin Germ Hücreli tümörü İmmatür teratom, 2002
- Prostat tru-cut biopsi ile tanısı konan malakoplaki vakası, 2001
- Safra Kesesinde Papillomatozis zemininde gelişmiş adenokarsinom, 2000
- Hashimoto TiroiditiZemininde gelişen tiroid medüller karsinomu, 2000
- Meme Karsinomu Tanısı alan olguların prognostik ölçülere göre yeniden değerlendirilmesi, 1998
- Biomarkers based techniques for early diagnosis of Breast cancer, 2019
- COX II Ekspresyonunun Gastrik Kanser İle İlişkisi,
- Bilateral over transisyonel hücreli benzeri seröz karsinom, 2018
- Bilateral Over Transisyonel Hücreli Benzeri Seröz Karsinom,Olgu sunumu., 2018
- Bilateral Over Transisyonel Hücreli Benzeri Seröz Karsinom,Olgu sunumu., 2018
- The relationship between epithelial mesenchymal transition with Galectin-3 expression in low and high grade urothelial carcinomas of bladder, 2019
- Biomarkers based techniques for early diagnosis of Breast cancer, 2019
- Biomarkers based techniques for early diagnosis of Breast cancer, 2019
- The evaluation of appendiceal mucinous neoplasms with a new classification system, 2017
- Gastritis Sistika Profunda ile Mikst Adenonöroendokrin Karsinom Birlikteliği: Olgu Sunumu., 2017
- Memede lokalize amiloidoz,
- Türkiye Klinikleri, ISBN: 978-625-401-390-4, 2021
- www.openaccessebooks.com /Overview on Gastric Cancer, ISBN: 978-81-935757-7-2, 2017