EMSA İstinye completed our university's first international twinning program in order to reinforce international cooperation and cultural interaction..

The "Individualized Care Practices in Neonatal Intensive Care Units symposiurn is held at İSÜ Liv Bahçeşehir Hospital successfully...

We held the first national medical students congress of Istinye University organised by INSPARK (Istinye's Network for Science, Progress, Advancement, Research, Knowledge) club.

EMSA İstinye organized our university's first international twinning program to strengtgen international cooperation and cultural interaction.

We congratulate the ISU ASCO-OSIG student club for organizing this succesful event and thank all our professors who contributed to our symposium....

ISU liv Bahçeşehir Hospital's healthcare workers choir organized a concert to contribute to the education scholarships of the children of our colleagues who lost their lives in the pandemic..

We attended the international Good Practices in Medical Education symposium, organized in cooperation with TEPDAD....

İstinye EMSA was the FMO (Faculty Member Organization) with the highest attendance at the EMSA National Spring Congress held at İzmir Katip Çelebi University. Tolga Kab, a second year English medical student from our faculty, was elected as the National Director of EMSA Türkiye European Integration and Culture Pillar. We wish Tolga a succesful term in hid new responsibility…

Our academic staff Prof. Dr. Ozan Özkaya, Prof. Dr. Ayhan Dinçkan and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Taşdemir from Pediatrics, provided major contributions to the 9th National Transplantation Immunology and Genetics Association Congress held in Antalya between 19-21 April 2024 with their platform presentation...

Our Grade I student Elif Leyal Uğraş, who participated in the Medical Students' Association Congress held in Medical College of Rzeszow University, Poland, with her research titled "Cross-stress Resistance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells", was awarded with the second place for her oral presentation. We congratulate our student for her success and wish her a prosperous future...

“Transoral Endoscopic Thyroidectomy via Vestibular Approach - TOETVA” Hands-on Cadaver Lab Workshop will be held at Istinye University, Faculty of Medicine and LIV Hospital Vadistanbul on August 31, 2024 with the endorsement of the Turkish Association of Endocrine Surgery (TAES) and the European Society of Endocrine Surgeons (ESES).

The White Coat Ceremony of the 8th Term Students of our Faculty was held in the week of March 14, Medicine Day...

We celebrated March 14 Medicine Day with our professors, students and healthcare professionals of our university hospital, accompanied by the wonderful concert of our ISU Liv Bahçeşehir Hospital choir...

We held the first national event of EMSA-İstinye (European Medical Students' Association), BlueCon'24, with the theme of Artificial Intelligence, in our Vadi Istanbul campus, with more than 120 participants from 20 different Medical Faculties of Turkey and 11 guests from Nakhchivan.

The academic meeting titled "Genital Aesthetics, Cosmetic Gynecology and Sexual Health", organized..

After our academic staff, physicians, and medical faculty students, first residency students are also now among us in our academic meetings...

At this week's academic meeting of ISU Liv Bahçeşehir Hospital, we had the pleasure to host Associate Professor Dr. Huri Dedeakayoğlu...

30th TARD Applied Low Flow Anesthesia Course hosted by our Faculty's Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation...

We held the 5th International Pedia Mediterranea conference with wide participation and success...

We have completed an important stage in our faculty's accreditation journey. We sent our Self-Assessment Report to UTEAK-TEPDAD. Starting from the head of the Self-Evaluation Committee,

We hosted basic medical sciences faculty members Caner Geyik, Öykü Gönül Geyik, Murat Ekremoğlu at this week's meeting of Bahçeşehir hospital

We visited Suleymaniye Gynecology and Pediatrics Training and Research Hospital, where our interns carried out part of their Gynecology and Obstetrics Internships.

Our 3rd year medical student, Berfin Ergin, reached the finals among 583 projects in the "2242 University Students Research Project Competition", where TÜBİTAK 2209A/B projects across the country compete. The winners of the final, in which hundreds of projects in different fields participate every year, attend the award ceremony at Teknofest.
Tıp fakültesindeki ilk yılından beri Kök Hücre ARGE laboratuvarlarında büyük özveri ile çalışan öğrencimiz Berfin ERGİN “Genç ve Yaşlı Mezenkimal Kök Hücrelerin Lizozomlarına Resveratrol'ün Etkisinin Yapay Zekâ ile Analizi” adlı projesinde, laboratuvarda yaşlandırılan kök hücreleri genç kök hücreler ile karşılaştırarak Resveratrol uygulaması ile yaşlılığı tersine çevrilip çevrilmediğini inceledi. Time-lapse görüntüleme ve yapay zeka analizlerinin dünyada ilk kez, organel düzeyinde kullanıldığı çalışmada yaşlanma süreçleri ve lizozomların buradaki rolü incelendi.
TÜBİTAK öğrenci projesi ile ilk adımları atılan araştırma, şu anda dış destekli 250.000 TL bütçeli bir proje ile daha da genişletilerek sürdürülüyor. İstinye üniversitesi ARGE laboratuvarlarında edindiği deneyimleri tıp eğitimi sonrasında yurt dışında devam ettirmek isteyen Berfin Ergin, ileride yaşlanma dahil pek çok hastalık için tedaviler geliştirmek istiyor.
Tıp fakültesindeki ilk yılından beri Kök Hücre ARGE laboratuvarlarında büyük özveri ile çalışan öğrencimiz Berfin ERGİN “Genç ve Yaşlı Mezenkimal Kök Hücrelerin Lizozomlarına Resveratrol'ün Etkisinin Yapay Zekâ ile Analizi” adlı projesinde, laboratuvarda yaşlandırılan kök hücreleri genç kök hücreler ile karşılaştırarak Resveratrol uygulaması ile yaşlılığı tersine çevrilip çevrilmediğini inceledi. Time-lapse görüntüleme ve yapay zeka analizlerinin dünyada ilk kez, organel düzeyinde kullanıldığı çalışmada yaşlanma süreçleri ve lizozomların buradaki rolü incelendi.
TÜBİTAK öğrenci projesi ile ilk adımları atılan araştırma, şu anda dış destekli 250.000 TL bütçeli bir proje ile daha da genişletilerek sürdürülüyor. İstinye üniversitesi ARGE laboratuvarlarında edindiği deneyimleri tıp eğitimi sonrasında yurt dışında devam ettirmek isteyen Berfin Ergin, ileride yaşlanma dahil pek çok hastalık için tedaviler geliştirmek istiyor.

Ayşe GÖKDUMAN, a Term III student of our Faculty of Medicine, on 11.06.2022; Under the guidance of our Medical Pathology Department, "9. He successfully made his oral presentation entitled "CAN MICRORNAS BE BIOMARKERS IN BREAST CARCINOMA?" at the INTERNATIONAL GEVHER NESİBE HEALTH SCIENCES CONFERENCE " event.
Congratulating dear Ayşe and We would like to thank our Faculty Members of Pathology Department Prof. Dr. Nusret Erdogan, our Assist. Sibel Şensu and our Research Assistant Gamze Nur Öter for offering chance to her.
Congratulating dear Ayşe and We would like to thank our Faculty Members of Pathology Department Prof. Dr. Nusret Erdogan, our Assist. Sibel Şensu and our Research Assistant Gamze Nur Öter for offering chance to her.

Working at Istinye University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Assist. prof. Huri Bulut's research project entitled 'Low Cost Taq Polymerase Enzyme Production for Diagnostic Kits with the Help of Oligotrophic Bacteria' within the scope of TÜBİTAK 2218 - Domestic Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program was entitled to be supported.
Under the supervision of Dr. Huri, our Medical Faculty Term I Student Azer Turan's project titled 'Validation of Candidate miRNAs that Can Be Used as Biomarkers in the Early Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Disease in Human Body Fluid Samples' was carried out by TÜBİTAK 2209-A - University Students Research Projects Support Program. entitled to support.
We congratulate Dr. Huri and dear Azer and wish them continued success.
Under the supervision of Dr. Huri, our Medical Faculty Term I Student Azer Turan's project titled 'Validation of Candidate miRNAs that Can Be Used as Biomarkers in the Early Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Disease in Human Body Fluid Samples' was carried out by TÜBİTAK 2209-A - University Students Research Projects Support Program. entitled to support.
We congratulate Dr. Huri and dear Azer and wish them continued success.