Istinye University Faculty of Medicine General Surgery faculty member Assoc. Dr. Ahmet Cem Dural's poster presentation at the 9th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endocrine Surgeons held in Athens on 26-28 May 2022 was deemed worthy of the best scientific poster award.

The white coat ceremony, which could not be held for 2 years due to the Covid 19 pandemic, was held at the Topkapı Campus Congress Center of our university on May 23 for the 2nd term students.The coats of our students were dressed by the distinguished faculty members of the Faculty of Medicine. Students experienced the great excitement and honor of wearing white coats in front of their families.
The opening speech of the “White Coat Ceremony” was delivered by the esteemed dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Ayberk Kurt performed it.
The opening speech of the “White Coat Ceremony” was delivered by the esteemed dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Ayberk Kurt performed it.

At the 'Antalya OSB Ar-Ge and Innovation Project Market' event held between 26-27 May 2022, A total of 297 projects in 3 different fields competed, Our Medical Biochemistry Department faculty member Dr. Instructor Member Murat Ekremoğlu, together with his teammates (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cevahir Altınkaynak, Hasan Hüseyin Kazan and Serhat Demirkol), won the 3rd prize with the project named 'Diaintegra'.
We congratulate our teacher and wish him continued success.
We congratulate our teacher and wish him continued success.

Istinye University Faculty of Medicine Faculty Members, Prof. Dr. Aziz Sumer, Assistant professor Talar Vartanoglu Aktokmakyan, Assistant professor Caghan Peksen, Assistant professor Osman Anil Savas, Assistant professor Işıl Yurdaışık's presentations titled "A New Technique in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery: Bridged Mini Gastric Bypass (BMGB)" at the 22nd National Surgery Congress held in Antalya was deemed worthy of the oral presentation first prize.

Istinye University Faculty of Medicine Radiation Oncology Department Lecturer Prof. Dr. "Computed Tomography-Guided Optimization ofNeedle Insertion for Combined Intracavitary/Interstitial Brachytherapy With Utrecht Applicator in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer", written by Emre Merdan Benefits and his team, which managed to be included in the top 20 most downloaded articles in PRO Magazine in 2021. ', received a publication award from the Turkish Radiation Oncology Association in the branch of Brachytherapy.
The article, which was featured in PRO, one of the second most prestigious journals of the United States Society of Radiation Oncology, and achieved great success; discusses hybrid applications, one of the most up-to-date approaches in interstitial brachytherapy in cervical cancer.
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Radyasyon Onkolojisi Derneği'nin ikinci en prestijli dergilerinden olan PRO’da öne çıkarak büyük başarı gösteren makale; serviks kanserinde interstisyel brakiterapi konusunda en güncel yaklaşımlardan olan hibrid uygulamalari ele alıyor.
The article, which was featured in PRO, one of the second most prestigious journals of the United States Society of Radiation Oncology, and achieved great success; discusses hybrid applications, one of the most up-to-date approaches in interstitial brachytherapy in cervical cancer.
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Radyasyon Onkolojisi Derneği'nin ikinci en prestijli dergilerinden olan PRO’da öne çıkarak büyük başarı gösteren makale; serviks kanserinde interstisyel brakiterapi konusunda en güncel yaklaşımlardan olan hibrid uygulamalari ele alıyor.

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Basic Medicine Assistant Prof. Öykü Gönül Geyik's project titled “Effect of Combination of xCT Inhibitor IKE and 5-Fluorouracil on the Therapeutic Potential Increase in Colorectal Cancer Cells” was entitled to be supported within the scope of TÜSEB Group A Emergency R&D Project Support Program.

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Basic Sciences, Assistant Prof. Caner Geyik's project titled "The Effect of KRAS Mutation and Nrf2 Inhibition on Irinotecan Treatment in Colorectal Cancer" has been accepted within the scope of TÜSEB Group A Emergency R&D Project Support Program.

TUBITAK Scientist Support Department (BİDEB) for the year 2020 within the scope of 2209-A - Research Project Support Programme

İstinye University Medicine 3 students had the opportunity to benefit from the knowledge and experience of Prof. Dr. Dervişoğlu during the Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology Digital Laboratory Practice. Prof. Dr. Dervişoğlu, who is one of the leading names in bone and soft tissue pathology in our country.
The symposium, organized by the collaboration of Istinye University and Liv Hospital Ulus, took place in ISU Congress Center.
The Role of Autopsy and Pathologists in Understanding Covid-19: A Comprehensive Approach to SARS-CoV-2

Istinye University, which integrated digital transformation into its education processes, had no difficulties in switching to remote education during the COVID-19 pandemic and during this period of online education the school also managed to offer certain applied courses remotely thanks to its established technical infrastructure. The first example of this was the applied course on Digital Pathology.

Istinye University Faculty of Medicine has completed the orientation program for international students.

Vice Rector of Istinye University Prof. Erdal KARAÖZ gave 3 separate seminars at 3rd Congress on Stem Cell and Cellular Therapies.

The training meeting was held on February 13th, at İstinye University Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir.