Faculty of Medicine

İstinye EMSA, İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesinde gerçekleşen EMSA Ulusal İlkbahar Kurultayına en yoğun katılım gösteren FMO (Faculty Member Organization) oldu. Fakültemiz 2. sınıf ingilizce tıp öğrencisi Tolga Kab EMSA Türkiye Avrupa Entegrasyonu ve Kültü

İstinye EMSA was the FMO (Faculty Member Organization) with the highest attendance at the EMSA National Spring Congress held at İzmir Katip Çelebi University. Tolga Kab, a second year English medical student from our faculty, was elected as the National Director of EMSA Türkiye European Integration and Culture Pillar. We wish Tolga a succesful term in hid new responsibility…

About EMSA
Headquartered in Brussels and whose main purpose is to contribute to medical students within the borders of Europe expressing their opinions and becoming physicians who improve their vision, EMSA has more than 33 medical faculties and more than 45,000 students in more than 30 countries across Europe and nationally. EMSA is also an organization officially recognized by the European Parliament, the European Commission, the European Council and the United Nations. EMSA Turkey, which has carried out hundreds of projects to date, carries out its work under the sub-branches of 'Medical Education', 'Medical Science', 'European Integration and Culture', 'Medical Ethics and Human Rights', 'Public Health' and 'Health Policies.