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Çalışma Alanları
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- Imaging Guideline in Pediatric Neuroblastoma Patients, 2020
- Renal Cortical Scintigraphy Procedure Guideline, 2020
- Imaging Guideline in Pediatric Neuroblastoma Patients, 2020
- Renal Cortical Scintigraphy Procedure Guideline, 2020
- Comparison between Tc-99m DMSA and Renal Ultrasonography for the Evaluation of Renal Scarring and Function Loss in Children with Spina Bifida, 2017
- TSNM Procedure Guideline for Dynamic Renal Scintigraphy in Children 2 0, 2015
- TSNM Procedure Guideline for Radionuclide Cystography in Children, 2015
- TSNM Procedure Guidelines for Oncologic F 18 FDG PET CT imaging in Children, 2015
- TSNM Procedure Guideline for Radioiodinated MIBG Scintigraphy in Children 2 0, 2015
- TSNM Procedure Guidelines for Pediatric Bone Imaging with Tc 99m Labeled Radiopharmaceuticals and F 18 Fluoride 2 0, 2015
- TSNM Procedure Guidelines for Gastroesophageal Reflux and Pulmonary Aspiration Scintigraphy Gastrointestinal Bleeding Scintigraphy and Meckel s Diverticulum Scintigraphy in Children, 2015
- Radio guided Surgery of a Patient with Secondary Hyperparathyroidism The Clinical Impact on the Duration of Surgery in Renal Failure Patient, 2015
- Comparison of the relative renal function calculated with 99mTc diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid and 99mTc dimercaptosuccinic acid in children, 2014
- Are Brain SPECT Data and Neuropsychological Disturbances Correlated in Patients With Alzheimer Disease and Vascular Dementia?, 2014
- A Potential False Positive Finding on 99mTc Red Blood Cell Gastrointestinal Bleeding Scintigraphy, 2014
- Radioiodine Contamination Artifacts and Unusual Patterns ofAccumulation in Whole-body I-131 Imaging: A Case Series, 2014
- Comparison of the Relative Renal Function Calculated with 99mTc Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic Acid and 99mTc Dimercaptosuccinic Acid in Children, 2014
- Thyroid Cancer in Pediatric Age Group, 2013
- Primary lymph node gastrinoma a rare cause of abdominal pain in childhood, 2013
- Çernobil Kazası ve Etkileri, 2013
- Tamamlayıcı tiroidektomilerde gama dedektör yardımlı radioguided cerrahinin rolü, 2013
- Can Tc 99m DTPA be Used in Adult Patients in Evaluation of Relative Renal Function Measurement as the Reference Tc 99 DMSA Method, 2011
- Gated Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia: Correlation with Echocardiography, 2011
- Gated Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia Correlation with Echocardiography, 2011
- The role of fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography/computed tomography in differentiating between benign and malignant adrenal lesions, 2011
- Radioguided occult lesion localization versus wire guided localization for non palpable breast lesions randomized controlled trial, 2011
- The role of fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography computed tomography in differentiating between benign and malignant adrenal lesions, 2011
- Radioguided occult lesion localization versus wire guided localization for non palpable breast lesions randomized controlled trial, 2011
- Prone imaging allows efficient radiopharmaceutical usage by obviating the necessity of a rest study in Tc 99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile myocardial perfusion scintigraphy, 2011
- Left ventricular wall function abnormalities in patients with ankylosing spondylitis evaluated by gated myocardial perfusion scintigraphy, 2011
- A Case with Axillary Lymph Node Visualisation in Tc 99m MIBI Parathyroid Scintigraphy Avoiding False Positive Interpretation Case Report, 2009
- A report on the incidence of intestinal 99mTc methylene diphosphonate uptake of bone scans and a review of the literature, 2006
- Losartan renography for the detection of renal artery stenosis: comparison with captopril renography and evaluation of dose and timing, 2005
- Impaired Tc-99m MIBI uptake in the thyroid and parathyroid glands during early phase imaging in hemodialysis patients, 2004
- Frequency of skeletal metastases in nasopharyngeal carcinoma after initiation of therapy should bone scans be used for follow up, 2003
- Radionuclide Imaging of Rare Congenital Renal Fusion Anomalies, 2003
- Radionuclide Imaging of Rare Congenital Renal Fusion Anomalies, 2003
- Evaluation of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis by Scintigraphy and Relation to Clinical Parameters, 2001
- Çocuklarda rölatif böbrek fonksiyonlarının belirlenmesinde 99mTc-DTPA nın 99mTc-DMSA ile karşılaştılması, 2012
- Over Kanseri Tanılı Bir Hastanın Batın Cerrahisi Sonrası Unutulmuş ve Yeniden Evreleme Amacıyla Yapılan PET/BT’de Görülen Metalik Yabancı Cisim (Reverdin Malleable): Vaka Sunumu, 2017
- PET/BT’de Günlük Kalite Kontrol Testlerinin Önemi: PET/BT’de Bilgisayarlı Tomografi (BT) Modül Arızasına Bağlı Meydana Gelen Ring Artefaktı Vakası ve Görüntü Kalitesine Etkisi, 2017
- Alzheimer Hastalığı Vaskule Demans Ayrımında Nöropsikolojik Bataryaya Eşlik Eden Kantitatif SPECT Uygulamasının Tanıya Katkıları, 2010
- Davranışsal Varyant Frontotemporal Demans Spect Bulgularının Nöropsikolojik Test profili ile ilişkisi, 2015
- Quantitative SPECT Characteristics of Alzheimer s Disease Mild Cognitive Impairment With Comparison of Neurophsychologic Test Battery, 2011
- Quantitative SPECT characteristics of Frontotemporal Dementia Preliminary Reports, 2011
- Çocuk Yaş Grubunda Helicobacter pylori Enfeksiyonunun C 14 Üre Nefes Testi ve Histolojik Tanı ile Karşılaştırmalı Olarak Değerlendirilmesi, 2008
- Tüm Yönleriyle Meme Kanseri, ISBN: 9786053971139, 2011
- MESEKOK Temel Asistan Eğitimi Başvuru Kitabı, ISBN: 9789756900314, 2010
- Tanıdan Tedaviye Meme Kanseri Gerçeği Sormaya Korktuğunuz Sorular ve Yanıtları, ISBN: 978-975-6900-20-8, 2007