Prof. Dr.
Cengiz Kara
Prof. Dr. Cengiz Kara 1985 yılında Ankara Lisesi’nden, 1991 yılında ise Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinden mezun oldu. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları uzmanlık eğitimini 1996 yılında ve Çocuk Endokrinolojisi yan dal uzmanlık eğitimini 2005 yılında Dr. Sami Ulus Çocuk Hastanesinde tamamlamasının ardından, 2007 yılında Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesine Yrd. Doç. Dr. olarak atandı. Dr. Kara 2010 yılında doçent ve 2016 yılında profesör unvanlarını aldı. Dr. Kara fakülte görevleri yanı sıra 2021 yılında Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü Moleküler Tıp programında doktorasını (PhD) tamamladı. Halen, İstinye Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı öğretim üyesidir. Web of science H-indeksi 13 olan Dr. Kara’nın çok sayıda ulusal/uluslararası bilimsel makalesi ve ödülü bulunmaktadır. Başlıca araştırma alanı konjenital hipotiroidizmin klinik ve genetiğidir. Avrupa Pediatrik Endokrinoloji Derneği (ESPE) üyesidir ve 2017 yılından beri Çocuk Endokrinolojisi ve Diyabet Derneği (ÇEDD) başkan yardımcılığı görevini yürütmektedir. Dr. Kara, pediatrik endokrinoloji asistanları ve uzmanları için Türkiye'deki klinik uygulamaları şekillendiren bir dizi temel ve ileri eğitim toplantıları düzenlemiş ve yönetmiştir. İyi derecede İngilizce konuşur ve yazar. Evli ve iki çocuk babasıdır.
Araştırma Alanları
- Çocuk Endokrinolojisi
- Doğumsal Hipotiroidizm
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Çocuk Endokrinolojisi (Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları)
- Revisiting Classical 3β-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 2 Deficiency: Lessons from 31 Pediatric Cases, 2020
- Utility of estimated glucose disposal rate for predicting metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents with type-1 diabetes, 2020
- Prevalence of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome in Children with Type 1 Diabetes: A Comparative Assessment Based on Criteria Established by the International Diabetes Federation, World Health Organisation and National Cholesterol Education Program, 2020
- Neonatal Screening for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia in Turkey: Outcomes of Extended Pilot Study in 241,083 Infants, 2020
- Neonatal Screening for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia in Turkey: A Pilot Study with 38,935 Infants, 2019
- Genotype–phenotype correlation, gonadal malignancy risk, gender preference, and testosterone/dihydrotestosterone ratio in steroid 5-alpha-reductase type 2 deficiency: a multicenter study from Turkey, 2019
- Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Quantification in the Evaluation of Thyroid Elasticity in Pediatric Patients With Hashimoto Thyroiditis, 2018
- Comparison of Treatment Regimens for the Management of Severe Hypercalcemia due to Vitamin D Intoxication in Children, 2018
- Nationwide hypophosphatemic rickets study57th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE), 2018
- Gebelikte tiroid hastalıklarının neonatal etkileri ve TSH yüksekliği olan bebeğe yaklaşım: Türk Neonatoloji ve Çocuk Endokrinoloji ve Diabet Dernekleri Uzlaşı Raporu, 2018
- Analysis of the GCK gene in 79 MODY type 2 patients: A multicenter Turkish study, mutation profile and description of twenty novel mutations, 2018
- Neonatal Screening for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia in Turkey: A Pilot Study with 38,935 Infants., 2018
- Does Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Affect the Shear Wave Velocity of the Thyroid Gland of Children Without Autoimmune Thyroiditis?, 2017
- Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging in the Differential Diagnosis of an Ectopic Intrathyroidal Thymus, 2017
- Transient Neonatal Diabetes with Fanconi Bickel Syndrome, 2017
- Role of Point Shear Wave Elastography in the Determination of the Severity of Fibrosis in Pediatric Liver Diseases With Pathologic Correlations, 2017
- Pubertenin Epigenetik Kontrolü, 2016
- Multisystemic Severe Form Pseudohypoaldosteronism Can Gastrostomy be Useful in the Management, 2016
- The Growth Characteristics of Patients with Noonan Syndrome Results of Three Years of Growth Hormone Treatment A Nationwide Multicenter Study, 2016
- The Etiology and Clinical Features of Non CAH Gonadotropin Independent Precocious Puberty A Multicenter Study, 2016
- Evaluation of therapeutics management patterns and glycemic control of pediatric type 1 diabetes mellitus patients in Turkey A nationwide cross sectional study, 2016
- Transient Congenital Hypothyroidism in Turkey An Analysis on Frequency and Natural Course, 2016
- Anthropometric findings from birth to adulthood and their relation with karyotpye distribution in Turkish girls with Turner syndrome, 2016
- Efficacy and safety of pamidronate in children with vitamin D intoxication, 2016
- Association between autoimmune thyroid diseases and Neurofibromatosis type 1 is endocrinological evaluation necessary for children with Neurofibromatosis type 1, 2015
- A homozygous nonsense TPO mutation R540X consistently causes congenital hypothyroidism in two siblings born to a consanguineous family, 2015
- Association among vitamin B12 status obesity severity and metabolic syndrome in obese Turkish children, 2015
- Growth curves for Turkish Girls with Turner Syndrome Results of the Turkish Turner Syndrome Study Group, 2015
- Turner Syndrome and Associated Problems in Turkish Children A Multicenter Study, 2015
- Current Practice in Diagnosis and Treatment of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Childhood A Survey from Turkey, 2015
- Premature ovarian failure due to tetrasomy X in an adolescent girl, 2014
- Vitamin D Intoxication Due to an Erroneously Manufactured Dietary Supplement in Seven Children, 2014
- Diabetes Care Glycemic Control Complications and Concomitant Autoimmune Diseases in Children with Type 1 Diabetes in Turkey A Multicenter Study, 2013
- Iodine deficiency in pregnant women in the apparently iodine sufficient capital city of Turkey, 2012
- Myelofibrosis associated with rickets in a child with down syndrome, 2012
- The effect of glucocorticoid replacement therapy on bone mineral density in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 2011
- Etiological Classification and Clinical Assessment of Children and Adolescents with Disorders of Sex Development Original Article, 2011
- Rhabdomyolysis Without Detectable Myoglobulinuria Due to Severe Hypophosphatemia in Diabetic Ketoacidosis, 2011
- Adverse Effect of Phenytoin on Glucocorticoid Replacement in a Child with Adrenal Insufficiency, 2010
- Congenital goitrous hypothyroidism deafness and Iodide organification defect in four siblings Pendred or pseudo pendred syndrome, 2010
- Response to the letter by Drs Vanden Eijnden and Martinovici, 2010
- A Case Report of Neonatal Diabetes due to Neonatal Hemochromatosis, 2010
- Postnatal testicular regression mircopenis and microcephaly Conformation of a new syndrome, 2009
- The effects of metabolic control on oxidized low density lipoproteinantibodies in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus, 2008
- Incidence of iodine deficiency in Turkish patients with congenital hypothyroidism, 2008
- Identification of Frequency and Distribution of the 9 Most Frequent Mutations among Patients with 21 OHD in Turkey, 2008
- A case with homozygote familial hypercholesterolemia treated with LDL apheresis and coronary bypass in adolescence period, 2008
- Persistently raised TSH in adequatly treated congenital hypothyroidism followed up for a long time, 2008
- The effects of metabolic control on oxidized low density lipoprotein antibodies in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus, 2008
- Bilateral basal ganglia lesions after hypoglycemic coma in a 6 year old child, 2007
- Sertoli cell tumor causing prepubertal gynecomastia in a boy with Peutz Jeghers syndrome The outcome of 1 year treatment with aromatase inhibitor testolactone, 2005
- Successful treatment of insulin allergy in a 1 year old infant with neonatal diabetes by lispro and glargine insulin, 2005
- Alpha 1 antityripsin deficiency an overlooked cause of late hemorrhagic disease of the newborn, 2003
- Spondylocostal Dysostosis Presentation of Two Cases, 2001
- Successful treatment of visceral leishmaniasis with allopurinol plus ketoconasole in an infant who developed pancreatitis caused by meglumine antimonate, 2001
- Nationwide Hypophosphatemic Rickets Study, 2018
- Comparison of Triptorelin Versus Leuprolide inTreatment of Girls with Central Precocious Puberty,
- 3 Beta hidroksisteroid dehidrogenaz 2 eksikliği olan hastalarda klinik genetik ve steroid metabolom özelliklerinin araştırılması, 2016
- Türkiye`de Konjenital Adrenal Hiperplazi Yenidoğan Taraması: 38.936 Bebeği Kapsayan Pilot Çalışma Verilerinin Değerlendirilmesi, 2018
- Association of developmental delay, congenital adrenal hypoplasia, duchenne muscular dystrophy and glycerol kinase deficiency: a rare Xp21 contiguous gene deletion syndrome, 2017
- Neonatal Screening for Congenital AdrenalHyperplasia in Turkey: A Pilot Study with 38,935Infants, 2018
- Utility of Estimated Glucose Disposal Rate and Fat Mass Percentage for Predicting Metabolic Syndrome in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes, 2015
- Nationwide Hypophosphatemic Rickets Study, 2018
- Mutation spectrum of GCK, HNF1A and HNF1B in MODY patients and 40 novel mutations. May 27–30, 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark., 2018
- MODY Sendromlarından Sorumlu GCK, HNF1A VE HNF1B Genleri Mutasyon Spektrumu ve 40 Yeni Mutasyon, 2017
- Çok Merkezli Olarak Hipofosfatemik Riketsli Olguların Değerlendirilmesi, 2018
- 17OH-Pregnenolone seems a major drive of androgen excess in patients with 11ß-hydroxylase deficiency, 2018
- Evaluation of molecular characteristics and steroid metabolomics in a large cohort of children with 3β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 2 deficiency., 2018
- Nationwide Hypophosphatemic Rickets Study, 2018
- Neonatal Screening for Congenital AdrenalHyperplasia in Turkey: A Pilot Study with 38,935Infants, 2018
- Neonatal Screening for Congenital AdrenalHyperplasia in Turkey: A Pilot Study with 38,935Infants, 2018
- Neonatal screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Turkey: A pilot study with 38935 infants, 2018
- Türkiyede Konjenital Adrenal Hiperplazi Yenidoğan Taraması,
- Çok Merkezli Olarak Hipofosfatemik Riketsli Olguların Değerlendirilmesi,
- 5-Alfa Redüktaz Tip 2 Eksikliği Tanılı Olguların Fenotipik, Hormonal veMoleküler Genetik Özellikleri: Çok Merkezli Ulusal Veriler, 2018
- Çok Merkezli Olarak Hipofosfatemik Riketsli Olguların Değerlendirilmesi,
- Nationwide Hypophosphatemic Rickets Study,
- Williams Syndrome Associated with Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency: Is It Just a Coincidence?, 2017
- 5-alfa redüktaz tip 2 eksikliği tanılı olguların fenotipik, hormonal ve moleküler genetik özellikleri: Çok merkezli ulusal veriler, 2017
- MODY Sendromlarından Sorumlu GCK, HNF1A ve HNF1B Genleri Mutasyon Spektrumu ve 40 Yeni Mutasyon, 2017
- Obezite, 2015
- Aetiological Spectrum and Clinical Characteristics of 129 Children with Gonadotropin Independent Precocious Puberty A Nationwide Cohort Study, 2015
- The Growth Characteristics of Patients with Noonan Syndrome and First 2 Years Results of GH Treatment A Nationwide Multicentre Study, 2015
- Primary Adrenal Insufficiency in Children without Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Molecular and Clinical Characterisation of a Nationwide Cohort, 2015
- Current Practice in Diagnosis and Treatment of GHDeficiency in Childhood A Survey from Turkey, 2015
- Growth Curves for Turkish Girls with Turner Syndrome Results of the Turkish Turner Syndrome Study Group, 2015
- Anthropometric Findings from Birth to Adulthood in Turkish Girls with Turner Syndrome and Association with Karyotpye Distribution, 2015
- Comparison of Treatment Alternatives for Hypercalcemia due to Vitamin D Intoxication in Children, 2015
- Lange-Current Tanı ve Tedavi Pediatri, ISBN: 978-60567905-1-5, 2018
- Yurdakök PEDİATRİ, ISBN: 978-975-277-663-0, 2017
- YURDAKÖK PEDİATRİ, ISBN: 978-975-277-663-0, 2017
- Cinsiyet Gelişim Bozuklukları, ISBN: , 2015