1981 yılında doğdum. Orta öğretimimi Adıyaman Anadolu Lisesi’nde yaptım. 2004 yılında Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’ni bitirerek Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi’nde Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum ihtisasına başladım. 2011 yılında uzman olduktan sonra Etlik Zübeyde Hanım Kadın Hastalıkları Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi'nde Jinekolojik Onkoloji Cerrahisi üst ihtisasına başladım. 2014 yılında jinekolojik onkoloji cerrahisi yan dal uzmanlık eğitimini bitirip kendi hastanemde jinekolojik onkoloji cerrahisi uzmanı olarak görev yaptım. Görev yaptığım sürede özellikle minimal invaziv cerrahiler üzerine yoğunlaştım. 2018 yılında Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Jinekolojik Onkoloji Bölümünde gözlemci hekim olarak bulundum. Çok sayıda robotik jinekolojik ve jinekolojik onkolojik operasyonlar gözlemledim. 2018 yılında Doçent oldum. Uzman olarak çalıştığım Etlik Zübeyde Hanım Kadın Hastalıkları Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’nde jinekolojik onkoljik operasyonlar haricinde zor jinekolojik operasyonlar, endometriyozis cerrahisi ve ürojinekolojik operasyonlar konusunda birçok operasyona dahil oldum. 2019 yılından itibaren Liv Hospital Ulus Hastanesi’nde çalışmalarımı sürdürmekteyim. Jinekolojide laparoskopik cerrahi, jinekolojik kanserlerde laparoskopik cerrahi, preinvaziv servikal lezyonlar, over kanseri cerrahisi, nadir görülen over malignensileri, endometrium kanseri’nde sentinel lenf nodu uygulaması, ürojinekoloji özel ilgi alanlarımdır. Yurt içi ve yurt dışı dergilerde yayınlanmış 50’nin üzerinde makale kaleme aldım. İki çocuk babasıyım.
Araştırma Alanları
- Jinekolojide laparoskopik cerrahi
- Nadir görülen over malignensileri
- Endometrium kanserinde sentinel lenf nodu uygulaması
- Ürojinekoloji
- robotik cerrahi
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum
- Endometrial Cancer in Bicornuate Uterus: Case Report, 2017
- Lymph Node Metastasis in Patients With Endometrioid Endometrial Cancer, 2017
- Fertility-Sparing Surgery Should Be the Standard Treatment in Patients with Malignant Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors, 2017
- Factors related to treatment outcomes in low-risk gestational neoplasia, 2017
- Is Neurosurgery With Adjuvant Radiotherapy an Effective Treatment Modality in Isolated Brain Involvement From Endometrial Cancer?, 2017
- Castleman Disease Mimicking Ovarian Tumour, 2016
- Amphricrine carcinoma of the cervix-adeno neuroendocrine tumor: A case report, 2016
- Mucinous borderline ovarian tumors: Analysis of 75 patients from a single center, 2016
- A comparison of clinico-pathologic characteristics of patients with serous and clear cell carcinoma of the uterus, 2016
- A Case of Bilateral Malignant Ovarian Brenner Tumor, 2016
- Clinical and pathological features of isolated pulmonary and lung recurrences in endometrial cancer, 2016
- Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Cervix in Young Women, 2016
- Liver recurrence in endometrial cancer: a multi-institutional analysis of factors predictive of postrecurrence survival, 2016
- Comparison the Histologic Results of AGC FN and AGC NOS, 2016
- Does synchronous endometrioid endometrial cancer have any prognostic effect on Stage I endometrioid ovarian cancer, 2016
- Prognostic Factors in Adult Granulosa Cell Tumor, 2016
- The Factors Predicting Recurrence in Patients With Serous Borderline Ovarian Tumor, 2016
- Stage IVB Endometrial Cancer Confined to the Abdomen Is Chemotherapy Superior to Radiotherapy, 2016
- The Impact of Tumor and Lymph Node Characteristics on Disease Free Survival in Squamous Cell Vulvar Cancer., 2016
- Pulmonary recurrence in patients with endometrial cancer, 2016
- Meigs Syndromes With Extremely High CA125 Level Mimicking Advanced Ovarian Cancer, 2016
- Bone recurrence rarely seen in endometrial cancer and review of the literature, 2016
- Maximum surgical effort is warranted for recurrent adult granulosa cell tumors of ovary, 2016
- Düşük Serum Follikül Stimülan Hormon Seviyeli Sekonder Amenore Sebebi Olarak Granuloza Hücreli Tümör, 2015
- The importance of age and menopausal status in endometrial complex hyperplasia with atypia, 2015
- Clinical outcomes of uterine carcinosarcoma results of 94 patients, 2015
- Salvage Cytoreductive Surgery for Recurrent Endometrial Cancer, 2015
- Coexisting Primary Cancers of Endometrium and Ovary Experience ofSingle Institution, 2015
- Early and Late Complications after Inguinofemoral Lymphadenectomy for Vulvar Cancer, 2015
- Lymphadenectomy Should Be Performed Up to the Renal Vein in Patients with Intermediate High Risk Endometrial Cancer, 2015
- Reimplantation of an autoamputated ovary in the omentum A case report, 2015
- Does Lymphadenectomy Improve Survival in Uterine Leiomyosarcoma, 2015
- Juvenile granulosa cell ovarian tumor clinicopathological evaluation of ten patients, 2015
- EMA CO Combination Chemotherapy in Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia Update of Our Results, 2015
- Is There Any Predictor for Residual Disease After Cervical Conization With Positive Surgical Margins for HSIL or Microinvasive Cervical Cancer, 2015
- Endometrioid Tip Endometrial Kanserde Lenfatik Yayilim ve Bunu Belirleyen Faktorler, 2015
- Analysis of Patients With Stage IIIC Endometrial Cancer, 2014
- Analysis Of Patients With 1988 FIGO Stage II EndometrialCancer, 2014
- Undifferentiated uterine carcinoma Analysis of eighteen cases, 2014
- Prediction of staging with preoperative parameters and frozen section in patients with a preoperative diagnosis of grade 1 endometrioid tumor in endometrial cancer, 2014
- Addition of epirubicin to conventional chemotherapy in patients with advanced ovarian cancer sequential therapy a retrospective evaluation, 2014
- Does lymph node involvement affect the patterns of recurrence in stage IB cervical cancer, 2014
- What is the importance of omental metastasis in patients with endometrial cancer, 2014
- Sklerozan Stromal Ovarian Tümör 11 Olguda Klinik ve Görüntüleme Bulguları, 2014
- Vajinal Metastazı Olan Gestasyonel Trofoblastik Neoplazinin Yönetimi, 2013
- Small cell carcinoma of the endometrium A report of three cases, 2013
- Chylous fistula following scalane lypmhadenectomy in a patient with advanced cervical cancer, 2013
- Double vena cava inferior A report of three cases, 2013
- Methotrexate-induced peritonitis: Case report, 2013
- Malign Potansiyeli Belirlenemeyen Düz Kas Hücresi Tümörü ile Beraber Olan İntravenöz Leiomiyomatozis Olgu Sunumu, 2013
- Ovarian Steroid Cell Tumor Report Of Four Cases, 2013
- Gebede Görülen İzole Tuba Torsiyonu, 2013
- Case report Methotrexate induced pericardial effusion, 2013
- First Line Adjuvan Paklitaksel Carboplatin Kemoterapisi Alan Hasta Grubunda Yaşın Hematolojik Toksisite Üzerindeki Etkisi, 2012
- Ovarian Leiomyosarkom İki Olgunun Sunumu, 2012
- Creating a Risk Model to Determine Para Aortic Lymph Node Involvement in Endometrial Carcinoma, 2012
- Chylous ascites Analysis of 24 patients, 2012
- A ptotic kidney with multiple arteries one from a common renal artery stem, 2012
- Uterine and Ovarian Carcinosarcomas: Do They Behave Similarly,
- Therapeutic Value of Lymphadenectomy and Adjuvant Radiotherapy in Uterine Confined Endometrioid Type Cancer,
- Vanishing Endometrial Carcinoma in Hysterectomy Specimens: Probable Implications for Fertility Sparing Management,
- Primary Fallopian Tube Carcinosarcoma Report of Two Cases,
- Follicle stimulating hormone receptor FSHR gene polymorphism in infertile women Poor Responder vs Good Responder undergoing ovarian stimulation compared to fertile women,
- Demonstration of the corner suture inversion technique to prevent dog ear formation in double stapled colorectal anastomosis,
- Mucinous Borderline Ovarian Tumors Analysis of 75 Patients from Single Center, 2016
- Stage IB Endometrioid Type Endometrial Cancer The Role of Lymphadenectomy and Adjuvant Radiation Therapy,
- Coexisting Primary Cancers of Endometrium and Ovary Experience of Single Institution, 2015
- Pulmonary Recurrence in Patients With Endometrial Cancer, 2016
- Lymphovascular Space Invasion Determines the Prognosis of Stage IA Endometrioid Endometrial Cancer,
- Maximal Surgical Effort Should be Aimed for Recurrent Adult Granulosa Cell Tumor,
- Prediction of Staging and Reliability of Frozen Section in Patients With a Preoperative Diagnosis of Grade 1 Endometrioid Tumor in Endometrial Cancer, 2014
- Pathologic and Clinical Features of Patients With Omental Metastasis from Endometrial Cancer,
- Analysis of the Colposcopy Results for ASC H Cases,
- Is There a Difference Between the Margin Status after High Frequency Needle and Cold Knife Conization,
- Primary Gastric Adenocarcinoma Mimicking Metastasis in a Patient With Advanced Stage Endometrial Adenocarcinoma,
- Sclerosing Stromal Ovarian Tumor Clinical and Imaging Findings in Eleven Cases, 2014
- Juvenile Granulosa Cell Tumor Case Series of Ten Patients, 2015
- Case Report Amphricrine Carcinoma of Cervix Adeno Neuroendocrine Tumor,
- What Should Be The Upper Limit of Lymphadenectomy in Patients With Intermediate and High Risk Endometrial Cancer Left Renal Vein or Inferior Mesenteric Artery, 2015
- Frozen Section in Borderline Ovarian Tumors Is It Reliable,
- The Analysis of Vulvar Melanomas,
- Undifferentiated Uterine Carcinoma Analysis of Eighteen Cases, 2014
- Vajen Metastazı Olan Gestasyonel Trofoblastik Neoplazinin Yönetimi Olgu Sunumu,
- Endometrium Kanserinde Çıkarılan Lenf Nodu Sayısının Lenf Nodu Metastazını Saptamadaki Yeri,
- Endometrium Kanserinde Preoperatif Tanının Frozen Section Doğruluğu Üzerindeki Etkisi,
- Endometrium Kanserinde Omental Metastazı Belirleyen Faktörler,
- Isolated Brain Involvement in Endometrium Cancer From Case Report to Meta-Analysis: Different Face of Neuroinvasion from Endometrium Cancer,
- Cytoreductive Surgery in Advanced Stage Germ Cell Tumors of Ovary,
- Questioning the Efficacy of Uterine Factors to Determine Lymphatic Spread in Endometrioid Endometrial Cancer: Overtreatment is the Main Issue,
- Serous Borderline Ovarian Tumor Factors Predicting Recurrence, 2016
- Analysis of 158 Patients With Adult Granulosa Cell Tumor,
- The Influence of Clinico Pathologic Charecteristics on Survival in Patients With Uterine Carcinosarcoma, 2015
- Case Report Castleman Disease Mimicking Adnexial Mass,
- Is There any Predictor of Residual Disease at Repeat Operation Following Cervical Conization With Positive Surgical Margins for Hsil or Microinvasive Cervical Cancer,
- Secondary Amenorrhea With Low Serum Follicle Stimulating Hormone Caused by Granulosa Cell Tumor,
- Repeated Resection of Vulvar Metastases of Endometrial Cancer,
- Extremely High CA125 Levels Associated With Meigs Syndrome Mimicking Advanced Stage Ovarian Cancer,
- Mucinous Endometrial Cancer Clinicopathologic Analysis of Eleven Cases,
- Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia Therapy With EMA CO Combination Update of Our Results, 2015
- Analysis of Patıents With Stage IIIC Endometrial Cancer, 2014
- Extrapelvic Recurrence in Patients With Endometrioid Type Endometrial Cancer,
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging Guides the Treatment in Primary Vaginal Carcinoma,
- A Case of Bilateral Malignant Ovarian Brenner Tumor,
- A Single Center Analysis of 106 Patients With Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors 20 Years of Experience,
- Liver Recurrence in Endometrial Cancer A Multi Institutional Analysis of Factors Predictive of Patient Outcome,
- Reevaluating Survival Effect of FIGO 1988 Stage 3A Criteria for Endometrial Cancer,
- A Rare Type of Cervical Cancer Mesonephric Adenocarcinoma,
- Prognostic Effect of Synchronous Uterine Endometrioid Tumors on Stage I Ovarian Endometrioid Cancer, 2016
- Can Serum CA 125 Level Predict Lymphatic Metastasis in Endometrioid Endometrial Cancer,
- Uterine and Ovarian Carcinosarcomas Does Recurrence Pattern Differ,
- A Comparison of Clinico Pathological Characteristics of Patients With Serous and Clear Cell Carcinoma of the Uterus,
- The Analysis of Patients With Stage IVB Endometrial Carcinoma 20 Years Experience in a Single Center,
- Residual Disease in Patients With Positive Surgical Margins for HSIL after Conization, 2015
- The Outcomes of Patients With a Diagnosis of Atypical Glandular Cells in Pap Smear,
- An Unusual Case With Multiple Retroperitoneal Vascular Anomalies,
- Chylous Ascites Analysis of 24 Patients, 2012
- Jinekolojik Onkoloji El Kitabı, ISBN: 978-605-4477-09-8, 2015
- Kanser, ISBN: 978-9944-5924-5-1, 2016