Lisans eğitimini 1982 yılında Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nde tamamlayan Prof. Dr. Erkan İbiş, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nükleer Tıp Ana Bilim Dalından, 1989’da Uzman, 1991 yılında ‘Doçent’ ve 1997 yılında ‘Profesör’ unvanını aldı. 1994-2005 yılları arasında Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Cebeci Hastanesi Başhekim Yardımcılığı, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Cebeci Hastanesi Başhekimliği, Tıp Fakültesi Nükleer Tıp Ana Bilim Dalı Başkanlığı ve Ankara Üniversitesi Rektör Yardımcılığı yapan Prof. Dr. Erkan İbiş, 2012-2020 yılları arasında iki dönem Ankara Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü görevini üstlendi. Çok sayıda uluslararası ve ulusal makalesi de olan Prof. Dr. İbiş’in kendisine tevdi edilen “Romanya Devlet Nişanı (Award of Merit)”, “İtalya Devlet Nişanı (Commendatore)” ve “Macaristan Devlet Nişanı (Magyar Erdemrend Tisztikeresztje)” gibi uluslararası devlet nişanları da bulunuyor. Üniversite Hastaneleri Birliği Başkanlığı, Türk-Rus Toplumsal Forumu Eğitim ve Bilim Komitesi Başkanlığı, Yükseköğretim Kurulu (YÖK) Başkan Danışmanı olarak da görev yapmış olan Prof.Dr.Erkan İbiş, Sağlık Bakanlığı Tıpta Uzmanlık Kurulu (TUK) Üyeliği ve Kamu Görevlileri Etik Kurul Üyeliği görevlerini de sürdürüyor. Prof.Dr.Erkan İbiş, Ocak 2022 itibariyle İstinye Üniversitesi Rektörü olarak görev yapıyor.
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Nükleer Tıp
- The efficacy of fluorine-18-choline PET/CT in comparison with 99mTc-MIBI SPECT/CT in the localization of a hyperfunctioning parathyroid gland in primary hyperparathyroidism, 2018
- Preoperative F-18-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography CT in Prediction of Uterine Risk Factors and Lymph Node Metastasis An Analysis of 111 Endometrioid Endometrial Cancer Patients, 2016
- Radioembolization with 90Y resin microspheres for intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinoma prognostic factors, 2016
- The role of 18F FDG PET CT in the primary staging of gastric cancer, 2015
- Fluorine 18 Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emision tomography computed tomography in the detection of ovarian cancer recurrence in patients with elevated serum Ca 125 levels and whether the recurrence appears by conventional imaging, 2015
- Fighting against cigarette smoking among medical students a successs story, 2014
- The role of 18F Flourodeoxyglucose 18F FDG positron emission tomography computed tomography PET CT in pelvic and paraaortic lymph node staging of uterine cervical cancer, 2014
- Prognostic importance of 18F FDG uptake pattern of hetapocellular cancer patients who received SIRT, 2013
- Hipertansif hastalarda Tl 201 myokard perfüzyon sintigrafisinde izlenen lateral hipoperfüzyonun MIBI non gated ve gated SPECT ile değerlendirilmesi, 2013
- The role of 18F FDG PET CT in detecting colorectal cancer recurrence in patients with elevated CEA levels, 2012
- The additive clinical value of 18F FDG PET CT in defining the recurrence of disease in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer who have isolated increased antithyroglobulin antibody levels, 2012
- Detection of intraluminal tracheal metastasis of thyroid papillary carcinoma by 18F FDG PET CT, 2012
- Potential genotoxic effect of 186Re HEDP on human lymphocyte cells in vitro evaluation with micronucleus FISH analysis, 2012
- Impact of 18F FDG PET CT for detecting recurrence of medullary thyroid carcinoma, 2011
- Role of Radionuclide Therapy as Adjuvant to Palliative External Beam Radiotherapy for Painful Multiple Skeletal Metastasis, 2010
- Comparison of cerebral blood flow in children with obsessive compulsive disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, 2008
- Radioiodine whole body scans thyroglobulin levels 99mTc MIBI scans and computed tomography results in patients with lung metastases from differentiated thyroid cancer, 2006
- Hurthle cell carcinoma a clinicopathological study of thirteen cases, 2006
- Clinical importance of anti thyroglobulin auto antibodies in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma comparison with 99mTc MIBI scans, 2006
- Neuron specific enolase and lung cancer, 2005
- Identification of sentinel lymph node in stage I II breast cancer with lymphoscintigraphy and surgical gamma probe comparison of Tc 99m MIBI and Tc 99m sulfur colloid, 2005
- Regional cerebral blood flow in children with ADHD changes with age, 2005
- Comparison of Tc 99m HIG and three phase Tc 99m MDP bone scintigraphy for evaluating the efficacy of Yttrium 90 silicate radionuclide synovectomy, 2003
- Identification of sentinel lymph node in breast cancer by lymphoscintigraphy and surgical gamma probe with peritumoral injection of scintimammographic agent 99mTc MIBI, 2002
- Utility of Tc 99m human polyclonal immunoglobulin G scintigraphy for assessing the efficacy of yttrium 90 silicate therapy in rheumatoid knee synovitis, 2002
- Romatoid artritli olgularda diz eklemindeki kronik persistant sinovitinin tedavisinde Yttrium 90 silikat ile radyonüklid sinovektomi uygulaması, 2002
- Evaluation of Cyfra 21 1 a potential tumor marker for non small cell lung carcinomas, 2001
- Cerebral blood flow abnormalities in symptomatic west syndrome a signle photon emission computed tomography study, 2001
- Value of combined Ga 67 and Tc 99m human immunoglobulin G whole body scanning in malignant lymphoma, 2001
- In 111 platelets used in evaluation of emboli and thrombi in patients with cerebrovascular accident, 2000
- Brain SPECT findings in long term inhalant abuse, 2000
- False positive results obtained with stress myocardial SPECT in patients with right bundle branch block, 2000
- Palliative analgesic effect of Re 186 HEDP in various cancer patients with bone metastases, 2000
- Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu olan çocuklarda metilfenidat öncesi ve sonrası SPECT görüntülemesi, 2000
- Evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis using echocardiography and radionuclide ventriculography, 2000
- The misleaing localization of Tc 99m dextran in the abdomen in a patients with ulcerative colitis, 2000
- Uptake of Tc 99m human immunoglobulin in malignant abdominal lymphoma, 2000
- Comparison of low dose doputamine echocardiography and thallium 201 reinjection for the determination of myocardial viability in the early post myocardial infarction period, 2000
- Tc 99m dextran and Tc 99m HIG findings in patients with ulcerative colitis, 1999
- Evaluation of cardiac functions in patients with thalassemia major, 1999
- Ocular malignant melanoma detected with Tc 99m MIBI and Tc 99m HMPAO, 1999
- Evaluation of gastrointestinal involvement of Behcet s disease by nuclear medical techniques, 1999
- Omurga osteoartritinde anteroposterior ve lateral kemik mineral yoğunluğu ölçümleri, 1999
- Bir tümör belirleyicisi olan nöron spesifik enolazın serum ve bronkoalveoler lavaj sıvısı düzeylerinin klinik önemi, 1999
- Incidental localization of baker s cyst with Tc 99m human immunoglobulin, 1998
- A retrospective analysis of psychiatric patients evaluated by brain perfusion SPECT, 1997
- Primer kalça osteoartritli hastalarda kemik mineral yoğunluğu, 1997
- Partial stunning in thyroid remnant after administration of scanning dose followed by 100 mCi I 131 therapy, 1996
- Extraosseous uptake of 99m Technetium phosphate in an extremity, 1995
- The value of extrapulmonary involvement sites in the diagnosis of sarcoidosis, 1995
- Review of stress ECG and Tl 201 myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with normal coronary angiography, 1994
- Diferansiye tiroid kanserli olgularda rezidü doku ve dozun ablasyon başarısına etkisi, 1994
- Ventilation Perfusion scan findings in three patients with Behçet s disease, 1993
- Cold bone lesions on Tc 99m HMPAO scans, 1993
- A complication of lumboperitoneal shunt pseudocyst formation, 1993
- Myokard infarktüsü sonrası dönemde egzersiz testinde negatif T dalgasının pozitifleşmesinin klinik önemi, 1993
- Comparison of Tc 99m HMPAO leukocyte Tc 99m nanocolloid and Tc 99m MDP bone scan in detection of bone joint and soft tissue infections, 1993
- Günümüzde nükleer tıbbın klinik uygumaları, 1993
- I 131 contamination from thyroid cancer patients, 1992
- Three phase bone scintigraphy in maffucci s syndrome, 1992
- Liver uptake of technetium 99m labeled phosphate compounds an updated gamut 1992, 1992
- Prevalence of unsuspected nodularity in patients with clinically normal thyroid glands, 1992
- Postoperative goiter recurrence rate in Turkey, 1991
- Familial bilateral glomus jugulare tumors, 1991
- Relationship between serum thyrotropin level and post operative goitre recurrence, 1991
- The incidence of nodule in patients with goiter, 1990
- The incidence of post operative gouter reccurence, 1990
- Tc 99m MDP scanning in fibrous dysplasia, 1990
- Quantitative assessment of coronary perfusion reserve on normal ad abnormal myocardium with Tc 99m hexamibi comparison with Tl 201, 1990
- The results of radioactive penogram via intracavernosal papaverin injection in vasculogenic impotance, 1990
- Sintifotosplenoportografi ile portal dolaşımın incelenmesi, 1990
- Evaluation of scrotal diseases with radionuclide imaging and ultrasonography, 1989
- Tc 99m MDP accumulation in a liver hemangioma, 1989
- Skrotal enfeksiyonların sintigrafik ve ultrasonografik olarak değerlendirilmesi, 1989
- Ultrasonografide karaciğer hemangiomu görülme sıklığı 5617 olguda, 1989
- Planar Tc 99m hexamibi myocardial images comparison with Tl 201, 1989
- The efficacy of 18F choline PEt/CT in comparison to Tc99m MIBI SPECT/CT in the localisation of hyperfunctioning parathyroid gland in primary hyperparathyroidism, 2018
- Primer hiperparatiroidi hastalarında hiperfonksiyone paratiroid bezinin lokalizasyonunda F-18 Kolin PET/BMT’nin rolü ve Tc-99m MIBI SPECT/BT ile karşılaştırılması, 2018
- Radioembolization with Y 90 resin microspheres for intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinoma Prognostic factors, 2015
- Kültüre edilmiş insan lenfosit hücreleri üzerine samarium un olası genotoksik etkisi,
- Semiquantitative and qualitative evaluation of myocardial viability with Tl 201 reinjection SPECT and Tl 201 Nitrate augmented redistribution,
- Is myocardial perfusion SPECT with pharmacologic stres adequate to reduce the false positive results in patients with LBBB,
- Calibration of I 131 in dose calibrators routinely used in nuclear medicine departments,
- Prognostic importance of 18F FDG uptake pattern of hepatocellular cancer patients who received SIRT,
- Clinical importance of Anti Tg autoantibodies ATG and MIBI scan in patients with thyroid carcinoma,
- The role of 18F FDG PET CT in pelvic and paraaortic lymph node staging of uterine cervical cancer,
- 18F FDG PET CT in initial staging of gastric cancer,
- The diagnostic role of 68Ga DOTATATE PET CT in the detection of gastroienteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors comparison with 111In octreotide scintigraphy and CT scan,
- The role of 68Ga DOTATATE PET CT in detection of distant metastasis in patients with hepatocellular cancer,
- The diagnostic role of 68Ga Peptide PET CT in the detection of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors Comparison with 111In octreotide scintigraphy and CT scan,
- CEA yüksekliği olan kolon kanserli hastalarda hastalık rekürrensinin saptanmasında 18F FDG PET BT ni rolü,
- Medüller tiroid kanseri rekürrensini saptamada FDG PET BT nin yeri,
- Myokard perfüzyon sinitgrafisi sonuçlarının retrospektif analizi ve koroner anjiografi ile korelasyonu,
- Impact of 18F FDG PET CT for detecting recurrence of medullary thyroid carcinoma,
- Intra arterial radioembolization with Y 90 for unresectable primary and metastatic liver tumors and evaluation of treatment response by FDG PET CT,
- The role of 18F FDG PET CT in detecting colorectal cancer recurrence in patients with elevated CEA level,
- Impact of 18F FDG PET CT for detecting recurrence of medullary thyroid carcinoma,
- Primer ya da metastatik karaciğer tümörlerinde intra arteriyal Y 90 mikroembolizasyon tedavisi,
- 18F FDG PET BT ile insidental kolon kanseri saptanan akciğer kanseri olgusu,
- Clinical importance of anti Tg antibodies in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma,
- Evaluation of a single utilisation of pulmonary perfusion scintigraphy compared to standart V Q and spiral CT in patients with pulmonary embolic disease,
- Result in patients with lung metastasis from differentiated thyroid cancer,
- Hurthle cell carcinoma a clinicopathologic study of 13 cases,
- Clinical evaluation of Tc 99m V DMSA as a tumour imaging agent for bone metastases Comparison of two Tc 99m V DMSA preparations Preliminary results,
- Hurthle cell carcinoma A clinicopathologic study of 13 cases,
- Treatment for microcarcinoma of the thyroid clinical experience,
- Iodine whole body scan tyrolgbulin levels technetium 99m MIBI scan and computed tomography results in patients with lung metastasis from differentated thyroid cencer,
- Evaluation of lateral hypoperfusion defects observed in Thalium 201 myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with MIBI ungated and MIBI gated SPECT in hypertensive patients,
- Hipertansif olgularda ekokardiyografi ile Tl 201 myokard perfüzyon sintigrafisinin karşılaştırılması,
- Hipertansif olgularda Tl 201 myokard perfüzyon sintigrafisi ile saptanan lateral hipoperfüzyonun MIBI ile değerlendirilmesi,
- Hipertansif olgularda Tl 201 myokard perfüzyon sintigrafisinde izlenen lateral hipoperfüzyonun MIBI gated ile değerlendirilmesi,
- Correlation of teacher ratings with regional cerebral blood floow in chidren with ADHD,
- Regional cerebral blood flow in children with ADHD Correlation with cognitive measures,
- Tc 99m HIG in colon cancer,
- Scintigraphic evaluation of cardiac functions in patients with thalassemia,
- Value of Ga 67 and Tc 99m HIG whole body scanning in malign lymphoma,
- Exploration of cerebral blood flow of children with obsessive compulsive disorder and with attention deficit hyperactivity disorders A comparative SPECT study,
- Comparison of Tc 99m HIG scintigraphy and three phase Tc 99m MDP bone scintigraphy for evaluating of the efficacy of Y 90 silicate therapy in rheumatic knee synovitis,
- Identification of sentinel lymph node in breast cancer by surgical gamma probe with peritumoral Tc 99m MIBI and Tc 99m sulfur colloid injection,
- Evaluation of the efficacy of methylphenidate therapy in ADHD p atients by 99mTc HMPAO brain SPECT,
- The value of rest early and rest late redistribution 201Tl myocardial perfusion imaging for the evaluation of viability in patients with acute MI A qualitative and quantitative study,
- Identification of sentinel lymph node in breast cancer by lymphoscintigraphy and surgical gamma probe with peritumoral 99mTc MIBI injection,
- Palliative effect of Re 186 HEDP in differents cancer patients with bone metastases,
- Evaluation of radioiodine treatment of differentiated thyroid cancers with metastases,
- The value of Tc 99m HIG scan in malignant lymphoma,
- The role of MUGA for detection of subclinic myocardiopaty in patients with thalassemia major,
- False positive results obtained by myocardial SPECT in patients with right bundle branch block,
- Use of Tc 99m WBC in assessment of leukocyte migration due to cardioplegia in cardiac surgery,
- Y 90 therapy in rheumatoid arthritis and evaluation of treatment by MDP and HIG,
- Koroner arter hastalığının segmental tanısında Tl 201 myokard SPECT in tanısal değeri,
- İntrakavernozal papaverin kullanımıyla birlikte yapılan radyoaktif penogram çalışmasının vasküler empotansta yeri,
- Sintillosplenoportografi portal sistem ve kollateral venlerin gösterilmesi,
- Evaluation of the effectiviness of low dose us therapy with three phase bone scan in patients with RSDS,
- Palliative effect of RE 186 HEDP in different cancer patients with bone metastases,
- Evaluation of GI involvement of Behçet s disease with Tc 99m HIG and leukocyte scintigraphy,
- Brain SPECT findings in long term inhalant users,
- Regional cerebral perfusion in childhood autism,
- Evaluation of short term effects of amiodaron therapy with MUGA in patients with left ventricular dysfunction,
- Otistik belirtiler ve beyin kan akımı ilişkisinin incelenmesi,
- Ventriküler disfonksiyone olgularda amiodaron ın sistolik ve diastolik fonksiyonlara etkisi,
- Depresse ventriküllü olgularda koroner bypass ın kardiak fonksiyonlara etkisi,
- Meme kanserine bağlı ağrılı kemik metastazlarında RE 186 HEDP Palyatif tedavisinin değerlendirilmesi,
- Relationship between severity of autistic symptoms and cerebral blood flow a HMPAO SPECT study,
- Prostat kanseri tanısıyla izlenen hastalarda kemik metastazlarına bağlı ağrının palyasyonunda Re 186 HEDP tedavisinin yeri,
- Otistik çocuklarda Tc 99m HMPAO SPECT bulguları,
- Results of tretment of painful bone metatases with Re 186 HEDP in 4 patients with rectum cancer,
- Diagnostic and prognostic value of Tc 99m HIG and Tc 99m HMPAO leukocyte whole body scanning in the evaluation of Behçets disease,
- Detection of thromboemboli in cerebrovascular disease using Indium 111 platelet scintigraphy,
- Diagnostic and prognostic value of Tc 99m HIG and Tc 99m HMPAO leukocyte whole body scanning in the evaluation of Behçet s Disease,
- Radionuclide penile blood flow studies in the diagnosis of impotence due to arterial insufficiency,
- Evaluation of cardiac functions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis,
- Evaluation of myocardial viability with dobutamine stres echocardiography and reinjection Tl 201 SPECT in patients with acute myocardial infarction,
- An analysis of phychiatric patients evaluated with SPECT,
- Tc 99m HIG and Tc 99m HMPAO leukocyte scintigraphy in the evaluation of gastrointestinal involvement in Behçet s disease,
- Tc 99m HIG and doppler USG in the evaluation of vascular involvement in Behçet s disease,
- Temporal lob epilepsisi tanısıyla izlenen olgularda SPECT EEG CT MR sonuçları,
- Romatoid artritli olgularda kardiak fonksiyonların değerlendirilmesi,
- Serebrovasküler hastalıklı olgularda emboli ve trombüs lokalizasyonunda In 111 trombosit sintigrafisi,
- EEG si pozitif 44 olguda CT ve SPECT sonuçları,
- Neuroacanthocytosisli üç olguda EEG beyin SPECT ve MR bulguları,
- Akut myokard enfarktüslü olgularda dobutamin stress ECHO ve stress rest reinjeksiyon Tl 201 SPECT,
- Arteryel kökenli impotansların ayırıcı tanısında radyonüklid kan akımı çalışmasının değeri,
- Thalassemili olgularda kardiak fonksiyonların araştırılması,
- EEG CT ve MR incelemeleri normal epilepsili 24 olguda beyin SPECT sonuçları,
- EEG ve CT si normal komplex parsiyel epilepsili olgularda beyin SPECT,
- Findings of thallium myocard scintigraphy in patients with previous myocardial infarction and pseudonormalization of T wave on stress ECG,
- In 111 labeled platelets imaging in the diagnosis of acute renal transplant rejection,
- Refleks sempatik distrofi sendromu klinik radyolojik ve sintigrafik bulguların ilişkisi,
- Amiloidozisli olgularda kardiyak fonksiyonların radyonüklid ventrikülografi ile değerlendirilmesi,
- Sarkoidozda Galyum 67 nin akciğer dışı tutulum alanlarının değeri,
- Differentaition of hemangiomas from metastatic liver massas by Tc 99m RBC scintigraphy,
- Review of stress ECG and Tl 201 myocard perfusion scintigraphy on patients with normal coronary angiography,
- Effects of propranolol on renal blood flow and renal function in chirrotics,
- Sirotik hastalarda propranololün renal kan akımına ve renal fonksiyonlara etkisi,
- İki damar lezyonlu olgularda PTCA etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi,
- Koroner anjiografisi normal olgularda eforlu EKG ve eforlu Tl 201 myokard perfüzyon sintigrafisi sonuçları,
- Koroner arter hastalarında akciğer kalp Tl 201 uptake oranı,
- Comparison of Tc 99m HMPAO leucocyte and nanocolloid scans in active rheumatoid arthritis,
- Tc 99m HMPAO lökosit sintigrafisinde kemikte fotopenik lezyon saptanan 4 olgunun literatürle birlikte değerlendirilmesi,
- Aktif romatoid artritli hastalarda Tc 99m HMPAO lökosit ve nanokolloid sintigrafilerinin karşılaştırılması,
- Kemik ve kemik çevresi enfeksiyonların Tc 99m HMPAO lökosit nanocolloid ve Tc 99m MDP kemik sintigrafileri ile değerlendirilmesi,
- Tc 99m Hexamibi ve Tl 201 ile planar myokard perfüzyon incelemelerinin kantitatif olarak karşılaştırılması,
- Tc 99m Hexamibi ve Tl 201 ile planar myokard perfüzyon incelemelerinin kalitatif olarak karşılaştırılması,
- Guvatrlı olgularda nodülarite insidansı,
- Benign nodüler guvatrlı olgularda cerrahi sonrası rekürrens insidansı,
- Böbrek fonksiyonlarını değerlendirmede MAG3,
- Beyin tümörlerinde Tl 201 sintigrafisinin klinik önemi,
- Gastrointestinal Ülserlerin sintigrafik tanısında sukralfatın Tc 99m ile işaretlenmesi,
- Skrotal enfeksiyonların sintigrafik ve ultrasonografik olarak değerlendirilmesi,
- Histopatolojik olarak karaciğer steatozu olgusu tanısı alan olgularda sintigrafik ve ultrasonografik bulgular,
- Protein kaybettiren enteropatilerde Tc 99m HSA ve sintigrafik incelemeler,
- Tiroid nodüllerinde sintigrafik ve ultrasonografik bulguların karşılaştırılması,
- Skrotal kitlelerin sintigrafik ve ultrasonografik olarak değerlendirilmesi,
- Behçet Hastalığı Araştırma Ödülü , 1999
- Genç Araştırmacı Ödülü, 2018