She completed her medical education at Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty in 1986 and Pathology specialty at Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital in 1993. Until 1998, she worked as a chief assistant in the Pathology Department of Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital. During this period, she worked in the fields such as assistant training, thesis consultancy and multidisciplinary scientific researches as well as the establishment and development of the Pathology department. She continued her career in a multinational pharmaceutical company as Medical Consultant, Training Manager and Product Manager. During this period, she worked on the follow-up and promotion of the scientific properties of important products and current developments in the subject, especially in the areas of menopause, contraception and infertility. For this purpose, she took various positions in many trainings, meetings and panel organizations that took place with the participation of health authorities, media and / or the public. During the Training Directorate, she worked on training needs analysis of all units, meeting needs efficiently and following the results. She conducted or organized many trainings personally. Between 2006 and 2018, she provided part-time or full-time consultancy services to various Health Communication Agencies. During this period, she followed the recent developments in new treatment options such as diabetes, depression and Alzheimer's, as well as biological products and biosimilars. Throughout her career, she contributed to work in various domestic and foreign articles by providing planning support, editorial support and translation support for pathology studies. She has many article translations and book translations. As Assistant Professor, she has teached Pathology Techniques at Marmara University and Üsküdar University SHMYO and Nursing and Physiotherapy at SBF, and has been working at Istinye University Faculty of Medicine since September 2018. Art history, photography and especially food photography, anthropology and future science are some of the subjects that she wants to improve herself. She is a member od Digital Pathology Association (DPA).
Araştırma Alanları
- Digital Pathology
- Pathology and AI
- Undergraduate Pathology Education
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Tıbbi Patoloji
- Are We Where We Want to Be in Undergraduate Pathology Education?, 2024
- Is it possible that we can increase the lymph node number in cases with rectum tumor receiving neoadjuvant therapy?, 2023
- How Similar are Molecular Characteristics of Mammary Paget’s Disease to Underlying Ductal Carcinoma? Discussion of 42 Cases from a Tertiary Care Hospital, 2022
- Correlation of REG1A, Claudin 7 and Ki67 expressions with tumor recurrence and prognostic factors in superficial urothelial urinary bladder carcinomas, 2022
- Mitotic Activity in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: Can we use Phosphohistone H3 Immunohistochemistry Instead of Hematoxylin and Eosin for Mitotic Count?, 2022
- Nightmare of a pathologist: Metastatic adenocarcinoma from breast to gastrointestinal system and gallbladder, 2022
- Does the Pathology Education Received in the Undergraduate Preclinical Years Provide Benefits in the Clinical Education Period? A Survey on 5th Grade Medical Students, 2022
- Hangi Yöntem Kullanılarak Yapılan Patoloji Eğitimi Aktif Meslek Hayatında Daha Yararlı? Klinisyenlerde Bir Anket Çalışması, 2022
- Succinate Dehydrogenase Complex Iron Sulfur Subunit B (SDHB) Immunohistochemistry in Pheochromocytoma, Head and Neck Paraganglioma, Thoraco-Abdomino-Pelvic Paragangliomas:Is It a Good Idea to Use in Routine Work?, 2021
- What Are The Effects Of Microsatellite Instability, Estrogen Receptor And CerbB2 Expression On Survival In Gallbladder Carcinoma?, 2021
- The Relationship of REG1A and Ki67 Expression with Prognostic Parameters in Breast Carcinomas, 2021
- Clinicopathological Evaluation of 15 Ectopic Adrenal Tissues, 2021
- Does Lack of EWSR1-ATF1 Fusion Exclude Diagnosis of Salivary Gland Clear Cell Carcinoma?, 2021
- Ochronotic Arthropathy: A Report of Two Cases, 2020
- Describing the heterotopic gastric mucosa (inlet patch) located in the esophagus with cases, 2020
- Histomorphological Features of Atypical Small Acinar Proliferations (ASAP) That Favor Malignancy, 2020
- Microsatellite Instability in Ovarian Invasive and Borderline Epithelial Tumors and Comparison with Prognostic Parameters, 2020
- Telepathology in Medical Education: Integration of Digital Microscopy in Distance Pathology Education during COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020
- Fine Needle Aspiration of Metastatic Malignant Melanoma in Parotid Gland :Case study, 2020
- Patolojide Dijital Çağ ve Yapay Zekâ: Temel Bilgiler, 2020
- Ender İzlenen Bir Akut Apandisit Nedeni Olarak Sesil Serrated Lezyon: Bir Olgu Sunumu ve Derleme, 2020
- Covıd-19 Sürecinde Uzaktan Dijital Patoloji Mikroskopi Uygulaması: Dijital Patolojinin Tıp Eğitimine Entegrasyonu Örneği, 2020
- Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial fine needle aspiration: Determinants of adequacy, 2018
- Review of hydatid cyst with focus on cases with unusual locations, 2017
- Relationship of mast cell density with lymphangiogenesis and prognostic parameters in breast carcinoma., 2017
- Effect of intrauterine device on cervicovaginal smears and its association with calcified bodies: a retrospective study, 2016
- Sex Cord Stromal Tumor with Annular Tubules: A Case Report, 2016
- Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor, 2015
- The value of COX-2 expression in the prognostic parameters of invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast, 2011
- The relationship of COX-2 expression with estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and prognostic parameters in endometrial carcinomas, 2010
- The relationship of cerb B 2 expression with estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor and prognostic parameters in endometrial carcinomas, 2010
- Hidatik Kist ile Karışan Kistik Lenfanjiyomatozis: Olgu Sunumu, 2006
- Meme Karsinomlarında P53 ve Bc1-2 Ekspresyonlarının c-erb B-2, östrojen ve progesteron Reseptörleriyle İllşkislnln Değerlendirilmesi, 2006
- Serviksin invaziv skuamöz hücreli karsinomlarında HPV’nin PCR ve immünohistokimyasal yöntemlerle belirlenmesi, 2006
- Agresif anjiomiksoma: Olgu sunumu, 2005
- Larenks’te nöroendokrin karsinom, 2004
- Değişici Epitel Hücreli Karsinomun Mikropapiller Varyantı, 2001
- İn Situ Ve İnvaziv Meme Kanserlerinde C-ErbB-2’nin Diğer Prognostik Parametrelerle İlişkisi, 2001
- The effectiveness of systemic antibiotics in preventing postoperative, intraabdominal adhesions in an animal model, 2001
- Benign prostat hiperplazili olgularda serum prostat spesifik antijen düzeyinde artışa neden olabilecek histopatolojik faktörler, 1999
- Alkalen Reflü Gastrite Misoprostolün Etkisi, 1998
- Metilen mavisi ile in vivo boyanmanın mesane tümörünün sistoskopik tanısındaki değeri, 1998
- Granulomatous gastritis due to taeniasis, 1998
- Kondroid Metaplazi Gösteren İnvazivDuktal Karsinom Bir Olgu Sunumu, 1998
- Palpabl Meme Kitlelerinde İnce İğne Aspirasyon Biyopsisinin Tanısal Değerleri, 1996
- Kolorektal Karsinomlarda Vasküler ve Nöral İnvazyonun Histokimyasal ve İmmünohistokimyasal Değerlendirilmesi, 1996
- Memenin Apokrin Karsinomu, 1996
- Larenksin Squamous Hücreli Karsinomlarında”Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen” in Prognostik Önemi, 1995
- Larenks Kanserinde Bilgisayarlı Tomografinin Tanı Değeri: Histopatolojik İnceleme Sonuçları İle Korelasyonu, 1994
- Midenin Primer Lenfoması, 1993
- Fırça Biyopsisinde Mide Adenokarsinomunun Lauren'e Göre Sınıflandırılması: Histopatolojik İnceleme Sonuçları ile Uyumu, 1993
- Mide Malignitelerinin Tanısında Endoskopik İnce İğne Aspirasyon Biyopsisi, Fırça Biyopsisi ve Forseps Biyopsisinin Tanı Değerleri, 1993
- Larengeal nodüllerde histopatoloji ve etyopatogenez, 1993
- Prune Belly Sendromu (Bir otopsi olgusu), 1992
- Meme Karsinomlarında MikroRNA’lar Biyobelirteç Olabilirler mi?, 2023
- Ferroptoz ve MikroRNA (miRNA) İlişkisi , 2022
- Papiller Tiroid Karsinomlarında Uzak Organ Metastazı Riskini Öngörmek Mümkün mü? p27 ile bir İmmünohistokimyasal Çalışma,
- Rahimiçi Araçların Servikovajinal Smearlere Etkisi ve Kalsifiye Yapılarla İlişkisi ,
- Merkezimizde Tanı Konan Mide Kanserlerinin Sınıflaması, 1998
- Mesane Tümörlerinde Prognoza Yönelik Retrospektif Bir Değerlendirme, 1996
- Konjunktiva Bası Sitolojisi, 1996
- 66 Meme karsinomu Olgusunun Çeşitli Prognostik Parametreler Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi, 1994
- Meme Tümörlerinde Prognostik Faktörler, 1994
- Granulocytic Sarcoma: Two autopsy cases, 1996
- cerbB2 Overexpression in in situ and invasive breast carcinoma and its relationship to other prognostic parameters, 1998
- Prognostic value of p53 nuclear overexpression in recurrent urinary bladder carcinomas, 1998
- Farklı Lokalizasyonlardaki Kist Hidatik Olgularının Gözden Geçirilmesi, 2020
- Memenin Paget Hastalığı Olgularının Klinikopatolojik Değerlendirmesi, 2020
- Tıp ve Patoloji Müfredatında Yapay Zeka Kullanımı Nasıl Yer Alabilir?, 2021
- Covıd-19 Sürecinde Uzaktan Dijital Patoloji Mikroskopi Uygulaması: Dijital Patolojinin Tıp Eğitimine Entegrasyonu Örneği , 2020
- Case Based Learning With Telepathology In Undergraduate Medical Education ,
- Patolojide Yapay Zeka, ISBN: 9786059259705, 2024
- Histoteknoloji, ISBN: 978-625-401-390-4, 2021
- Theory and Research inHealth Sciences, ISBN: 978-625-7243-74-2, 2020
- Sağlık Bilimlerinde Teori ve Araştırmalar, ISBN: 978-625-7243-49-0, 2020