
Pınar Yurdakul-Mesutoğlu (Assoc Prof) was born in Ankara in 1978. She graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Sciences in 1996. She then gained her Master’s Degree from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Clinical Microbiology where she also worked as a full time Research Assistant. Her Masters Research was about “Investigation of embB codon 306 mutations in ethambutol resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains by PCR and FRET methods". She started her PhD thesis at the same department in 2002. During her PhD Research she did get a scholarship from “The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey” (TUBITAK) where she joined Paul Kaye’s laboratory in Hull York Medical School, England. Yurdakul-Mesutoğlu conducted research about "Investigation of The Role of Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (Gelatinase B) Enzyme In The Spleen During The Course of Experimental Visceral Leishmaniasis", mainly working on animal models through the years 2006-2007 in Department of Infection and Immunity. She gained her PhD degree in 2008 and continued her Researcher position at the same department until 2013. From 2013 through 2016 she worked as the Microbiology Specialist as well as the Quality Control Manager of Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Cord Blood Bank. She gained her Associate Professor degree in 2015 and started her Teaching Staff position at TOBB Economy and Technology University Faculty of Medicine Department of Medical Microbiology thoroughout the years 2016-2020. Her main microbiology research focuses on molecular characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug resistance, biofilms in the oral environment and immunopathogenesis of Leishmaniasis. In addition to her main field, Dr Yurdakul-Mesutoğlu is interested in cord blood banking, including microbiology of cord blood, cord blood transplantation, hematopoietic stem cell expansion and NK based immunotherapy as well as quality control and accreditation processes. She has contributed to many national/international papers. She has worked at over 15 Scientific Projects both as the Principal Investigator and as a researcher. She is a member of Istınye University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Clinical Microbiology since September 1, 2020.
Araştırma Alanları
- M.tuberculosis
- antimicrobial resistance
- immunopathogenesis of Leishmaniasis
- cord blood banking and microbiology
- hematopoietic stem cell expansion
- NK cells
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji
- Kordon Kanının in vitro/ex vivo Ekspansiyonu: Deneysel ve Klinik Uygulamalar, 2021
- Hücre Bankacılığında Kalitenin Önemi, 2021
- Kordon Kanı Bankacılığı ve Kordon Kanı Nakilleri, 2021
- Kordon Kanı Bankacılığı ve Transplantasyonu, 2021
- Urinary Tract Infections and Affecting Factors Detected in TOBB University of Economics and Technology Faculty of Medicine Hospital: A 5-Year Retrospective Study, 2020
- Factors influencing the success of cord blood collection: a tertiary perinatal medicine center\u2019s experience, 2018
- Flow Cytometric Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Assay Enables a Fast and Accurate Human Umbilical Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cell Assessment, 2017
- How to Improve Cord Blood Engraftment, 2016
- The Effect of Different Polishing Sequences on the Adhesion of Streptococcus Mutans to Feldspathic Porcelain doi 10 1080 00218464 2015 1059763 2015 Taylor Francis, 2015
- Modalities to Improve Cord Blood Engraftment, 2014
- Molecular Methods for Detection of Invasive Fungal Infections and Mycobacteria and Their Clinical Significance in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, 2013
- Hematopoietik Kök Hücre Nakillerinde Uygun Verici Seçimi, 2013
- Antimicrobial Effects of Root Canal Medicaments Against Enterococcus faecalis and Streptococcus mutans, 2013
- Dirençli Mycobacterium tuberculosis İzolatlarında Siprofloksasin Direncinin Saptanmasında Tetrazolyum Moru ve Resazurin Testlerinin Etkinliğinin Değerlendirilmesi, 2013
- Influence of Serum on in vitro Susceptibility Testing of Echinocandins for Candida parapsilosis and Candida guilliermondii, 2012
- Predominance of Hospital Associated MRSA Among Cystic Fibrosis Patients in a Turkish Reference Cystic Fibrosis Centre, 2012
- Antimicrobial Effects of Various Endodontic Irrigants on Selected Microorganisms, 2011
- Compartment Specific Remodeling of Splenic Micro Architecture During Experimental Visceral Leishmaniasis, 2011
- Comparison of Extraction Methods for PCR Detection of Burkholderia cepacia complex BCC from Cystic Fibrosis Patients, 2008
- Kistik Fibrozis Hastalarında Burkholderia cepacia complex İzolasyonu ve Tanımlanması, 2006
- Leishmania Enfeksiyonlarının İmmünopatogenezi, 2005
- Use of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer for Rapid Detection of Isoniazid Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Clinical Isolates, 2005
- Some Fused Heterocyclic Compounds as Eukaryotic Topoisomerase II Inhibitors, 2004
- Comparison of Two Methods and Three Endpoints in Determination of in vitro Activity of Micafungin Against Aspergillus spp, 2003
- Konak Kolonizasyonunda Ekolojik Faktörler, 2002
- Sitomegalovirus Viremisine Quantiferon CMV ile Ölçülen Interferon Gama Salınımının Etkilerine Yönelik Pilot Çalişma, 2016
- Notch-Ligandı +/- Fibronektin, Valproik asit +/-, Nikotinamid ile Kordon Kanı Kök Hücrelerinin ex vivo Ekspansiyonu, 2016
- Maternal ve Fetal Serum Örneklerinde Hematopoietik Sitokinler Olan Kök Hücre Faktör (Stem Cell Factor=SCF) ve Granülosit Koloni Stimule Edici Faktör (G-CSF) Düzeylerinin ve in vitro Etkilerinin Karşılaştırılmalı Analizi, 2017
- Gebelikte Kök Hücre Faktör (SCF) ve Granülosit Koloni Stimule Edici Faktör (G-CSF) Düzeyleri ve in vitro Etkileri, 2017
- Multiple Miyelomada Killer Immunoglobulin-Like Reseptörleri (KIR) ve Ligandları ile HLA-GRUP C1 ve C2'nin Sıklığı, 2017
- KIR2DS4’ün Miyelom Plazma Hücrelerine Karşı Otolog veya Kordon Kanı Doğal Öldürücü Hücre Aracılıklı Toksisitede Rolü, 2018
- Attitude of Turkish women towards umblical cord blood donation and storage: knowledge, concerns, decisions, 2015
- Ex Vivo Expansion of Human Umblical Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSC) with Valproic Acid or Notch-Ligand +/− Fibronectin, 2016
- Ex vivo Expansion of Human Umbilical Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) with Valproic Acid (VPA) or Neurotrophic Factor, 2017
- Ex Vivo Expansion of Human Umbilical Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cells with Valproic Acid or Nicotinamide is Able to Accelerate Engraftment in a NSG Mouse Transplant Model, 2019
- Bacterial contamination of umbilical cord blood collected at Ankara University cord blood bank, 2020
- KIR Genotype and KIR Ligand Phenotypes That Improve the in Vitro Cord Blood or Autologous NK Cell Mediated Cytotoxicity Against Myeloma Marrow Plasma Cells, 2020
- Ex Vivo Expansion of Human Cord Blood: Comparison of Enhancers, 2016
- A Preliminary Analysis of Inherited Immune Checkpoint Control in Multiple Myeloma:Relative Frequency of Inhibitory or Activating Type Killer Immunoglobulin like Receptors and Their Cognate Ligands HLA-C1 and -C2, 2017
- KIR 2DS4 May Influence Autologous and Cord Blood(CB) Natural Killer (NK)Cell Mediated in vitro Cytotoxicity Against Freshly Isolated Human Bone Marrow Myeloma Plasma Cells and Cell Lines, 2018
- İmmün Yanıtın Yeniden Düzenlenmesi Davetli Konuşma Hematolojik Kanserlerde İmmün Mekanizmaların Etyopatogenez ve Tedavide Rolü,
- Attitude of Turkish Women Towards Umblical Cord Blood Donation and Storage Knowledge Concerns Decisions,
- Comparison of Red Blood Cell and Plasma Depletion Efficiencies of Two Methods from Cord Blood Automated Sepax Biosafe and Manual Celleffic CB Kaneka 20 European Hematology Association EHA Kongresi 11 14 Haziran 2015 Viyana Avusturya,
- Maternal Body Mass Index And Estimated Fetal Weight May Predict Eligibility Of Donated Cord Blood Units An Algorithm Proposal,
- CMV Viremia and Infection Rates Following Transplantation of Cord Blood Units Collected and Stored by Ankara University Cord Blood Bank,
- Burkholderia cepacia complex Isolation and Identification in a Turkish CF Unit Poster no 148,
- Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 Expression in Spleen During L donovani infection Poster no BA 7156,
- Sensitivity of recA PCR for Direct Detection of Burkholderia cepacia complex BCC from Sputum of CF Patients Poster no 99,
- Influence of Serum on in vitro Susceptibility Testing of Echinocandins for Candida parapsilosis and Candida guilliermondii Poster no P 015,
- Rapid Detection of Ciprofloxacin Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Clinical Isolates by Two Colorimetric Assays Poster no 2052,
- Predominance of SCCmecIII Type MRSA Among Cystic Fibrosis CF Patients in Turkish Reference CF Center Poster no C 2608,
- Impact of Donor and Cord Blood Unit Numbers on Finding a Suitable Match Within a Small Sized Registry TRAN,
- Impact Of Maternal Thrombophilia On Donated Umblical Cord Blood Cellular Content,
- Investigation of The Role of Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 Gelatinase B Enzyme In The Spleen During The Course of Experimental Visceral Leishmaniasis,
- Performance of Different DNA Extraction Systems from Sputum Samples A Preliminary Study Poster no PP 736,
- Rapid Detection of Isoniazid Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Real Time PCR and Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Poster no B 79,
- Investigation of embB Codon 306 Mutations in Ethambutol Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Strains by Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR and Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer FRET Methods Poster no P 80,
- Comparison of Two Methods and Three Endpoints in Determination of in vitro Activity of Micafungin MCFG against Aspergillus Asp Poster no M 1490,
- Eukaryotic Topoisomerase II Activity of Some Novel Fused Heterocyclic Compounds Poster no PS5 083,
- Doğum Amaçlı Başvuran Hastaların Maternal ve Eşlenik Kordon Kanlarında Farklı Viral Antijenlere Karşı Oluşturulan IgG Antikor Düzeylerinin ve Transplasental Geçiş Oranlarının Karşılaştırılması Poster no 97,
- AÜTF Kordon Kanı Bankası KKB na Eylül 2013 Haziran 2014 Döneminde Başvuran Annelerde ve Kordon Kanı Ünitelerinde HBsAg Anti HBs ve Anti HBc IgG Varlığının Araştırılması ve Anne Bağışıklık Tipine Göre Antikor Geçiş Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması Poster no PS 199,
- Ökaryotik Topoizomeraz II İnhibitör Etkisine Sahip Bazı Kaynaşmış Heterosiklik Bileşikler Poster no P100,
- Parafine Gömülmüş Arşiv Dokulardan Nükleik Asit Ekstraksiyonu için Standart Fenol Kloroform ve Spin Kolonlu Ticari Bir Yöntemin Karşılaştırılması Poster no 21,
- Viseral Leishmaniasis İmmünopatolojis ve Matriks Metalloproteinaz 9 Enzim Ekspresyonunun Düzenlenmesi KONF 05,
- Odontojenik Keratokist ve Ameloblastlarda İnterlökin 1 Alfa IL 1a Ekspresyonu ve IL 1a 889 Polimorfizminin İncelenmesi Poster no 175,
- Endodontik Tedavide Kullanılan Çeşitli Medikamentlerin in vitro Antimikrobiyal Etkinliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi Poster no P 77,
- Kordon Kanı Hematopoietik Kök Hücre İçeriğini Belirlemek için CD34 Miktarı ve in vitro Granülositer Koloni Oluşturma CFU GM Arası İlişki Analizi Poster no 0161,
- Doğum Amaçlı Başvuran Hastaların Maternal ve Eşlenik Fetal Kordon Kanlarında Maternal Bağışıklık Tipine Göre Anti HBs IgG Düzeylerinin ve Transplasental Geçiş Oranlarının Karşılaştırılması Poster no 96,
- Kordon Kanı Bankacılığında Toplayıcı Bağımsız Perinatal Maternal Kabul Edilebilirlik Kriterleri Sözlü Bildiri no OP004,
- AÜTF Kordon Kanı Bankası KKB na Eylül 2013 Haziran 2014 Döneminde Başvuran Bağışçı Annelerde ve Bebeklerinin Kordon Kanı Ünitelerinde CMV IgG Düzeylerinin ve AÜTF KKB Kaynaklı Kordon Kanı Nakilleri Sonrası CMV Enfeksiyonlarının Araştırılması Sözlü Bildiri no SS15,
- Pharmacophore Analysis of Some Isosteric Fused Heterocyclics as Topoisomerase II Inhibitors Poster no B 18,
- High Antineoplastic Activity of New Heterocyclic Compounds in Cancer Cells with Resistance against Classical DNA Topoisomerase II Targeting Drugs,
- Antimicrobial Effects of Root Canal Medicaments Against Enterococcus faecalis and Streptococcus mutans Poster no 685,
- Koneman Renkli Atlas ve Tanısal Mikrobiyoloji Kitabı, ISBN: 9786059160582, 2017
- Sherris Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji Kitabı Yedinci Baskı, ISBN: 9786059160964, 2019
- Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation Methods in Molecular Biology Vol 1109, ISBN: 978-1-4614-9437-9, 2014
- Poster Dalında Mansiyon Ödülü, 2004
- • Tübitak Bilimsel Yayınları Teşvik Programı Teşvik Ödülleri, 2013
- • Tübitak Bilimsel Yayınları Teşvik Programı Teşvik Ödülleri, 2012
- • Tübitak Bilimsel Yayınları Teşvik Programı Teşvik Ödülleri, 2004
- •Poster dalında mansiyon ödülü, 2004
- Deneysel hematoloji dalında en iyi bildiri ödülü, 2017
- Deneysel hematoloji dalında en iyi bildiri ödülü, 2016