He graduated from Ege University Faculty of Medicine in 1993. He became Internal Medicine Specialist in 1999, Medical Oncology Specialist in 2001, Associate Professor of Medical Oncology in 2006 and Medical Oncology Professor in 2013. In March 2016, he led the establishment of the Medical Oncology Clinic at Biruni University Faculty of Medicine Hospital. In addition to medical treatment of cancer, complementary therapies are applied together with integrative treatments. He continues his professional life in Istanbul, Turkey. His research focuses on in vitro cancer cell lines, and has been published in more than a hundred international and national journals on various topics. He completed his phytotherapy training in 2006 and 2016 and his hypnosis training in 2007 due to his special interest in the field of Complementary Medicine in cancer. In 2016, he received the Complementary Hyperthermia Therapy training in cancer in Germany. He completed Ozone Practice Training in 2017. He has been doing scientific studies related to herbal products. The Turmeric Black Pepper Cinnamon Liquid Extract, which was developed as a result of 5 years of research at Izmir Institute of Technology, and it has received the Technological Product certificate. He also patented the nanotechnological double layer Curcumin / Piperin product. He has published 2 in vitro scientific articles with this product together with the his research team. He is still conducting animal studies with his colleagues. His book the name of ‘Which Plant Which Cancer?’ was published in 2010. His book, ‘There Is Solution To Cancer’ co-authored with 13 scientists, was published in 2011. He was the Special Issue Editor of The Journal of Complementary Supportive Therapies in Oncology in 2012. In 2016, he published his book entitled ‘The Full Healing’ (952 pages and more than 2000 scientific references). In the book named ‘The Full Healing’, life & nutrition changes, medical treatments and herbal prescriptions are included in the fight against diseases. In March 2019, he will published his book entitled ‘Cancer Myths and Facts’. In the his book, the cases reports will be presented related with deep tissue RF hyperthermia therapy, phytotherapy and insülin potentiated chemotherapy. He is on the Scientific Advisory Board for the Traditional and Complementary Medical Practices of the Turkey Ministry of Health. He is the president of the Phytotherapy Association, which was founded in 2017. He is a member of the European Society for Medical Oncology. He is also a member of the International Clinical Hyperthermia Society (ICHS) Board, which provides scientific training for hyperthermia.
Araştırma Alanları
- Medical Oncology
- Hangi kansere hangi bitki, ISBN: 978054325252, 2010
- A dan Z ye Tamamlayıcı ve Alternatif Kanser Tedavileri, ISBN: 9786056058004, 2009
- Kansere çözüm var, ISBN: 978054325658, 2011