Faculty of Medicine

The Role of Autopsy and Pathologists in Understanding Covid-19: A Comprehensive Approach to SARS-CoV-2

Our seminar titled “The Role of Autopsy and Pathologists in Understanding Covid-19: A Comprehensive Approach to SARS-CoV-2” facilitated by the Department of Pathology of the Medical School of our university was held on 11 June 2020 via the Distance Education System of Istinye University with the high participation of the Pathologists from the Morgue Department of the Forensic Medicine Institution, and our esteemed colleagues working at the pathology departments of the medical schools and at the pathology clinics of the training hospitals throughout Turkey, especially Prof. Dr. Gamze Mocan, the Dean and Head of the Pathology Department of Yakındoğu University Medical School, and her coworkers, as well as our students from the Medical School, Pharmacy School, and the Faculty of Health Sciences.

Please click here to watch the seminar.