Ass.Dr. Tugba COSGUN born in 1981. She graduated from Adana Science High School then Ankara University and Faculty of Medicine in 2007. She completed education and expertice on Thoracic Surgery at Sureyyapasa Chest Disease and Thoracic Surgery Trainie Hospital. She studied at on Ex-vivo lung perfusion and Lung Transplantation in Zurich University at 2015-2016. She worked at Istanbul Bilim University- Florence Nightingale Hospital between 2017-2019. She is in Liv Hospital Ulus- Vadistanbul till 2019. Dr.Cosgun got her Associate Professor degree at 2020. She is currently the head of the Department Thoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Istinye University. Lung and Mediastinal pathologies, Extended resections, Minimally invasive surgery, Lung transplantation and Ex-vivo lung perfusion are her special interests. She is the author of more than 50 national and international scientific articles.
Araştırma Alanları
- Thoracic surgery
- Extended resections
- Lung and mediastinal pathologies
- minimally invasive -robotic surgery
- ex-vivo lung perfusion
- lung transplantation
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Göğüs Cerrahisi
- Can Preoperative Factors or Operative Characteristics Predict the Duration of Hospitalization and Rate of Complications after Pulmonary Resections?, 2020
- Chylothorax due to weight lifting: a rare etiology, 2020
- An antiquated contraindication for minimally invasive lung surgery: No place to staple the bronchus, 2019
- Haemangioendothelioma: a disease with surgical options fromrobotic surgery to open superior vena cava replacement, 2019
- A Rare Complication of Chronic Constipation: Lipoid Pneumonia, 2019
- Management of hemoptysis in inflammatory chest diseases, 2019
- Factors on nodal up-staging in clinical N0 adenocarcinoma patients who had minimally invasive anatomic lung resections, 2019
- Robotic thymectomy for myasthenia gravis, 2019
- Successful Sleeve Resection as a Marker for Proficiency for Robotic Pulmonary Resection, 2019
- Intrathoracic Giant Desmoid Tumor: Case Report, 2019
- Cytokine filtration modulatespulmonarymetabolism andedemaformationduringex vivolungperfusion, 2018
- Salvage thoracic surgery in patients with lung cancer: potential indications and benefits, 2018
- Minimally invasive resection of thymoma, 2018
- Robotic approach for mediastinal diseases: state-of-the-art and current perspectives, 2018
- The decision making and techniques in lung cancer patients with aortic resection and reconstruction: surgery for lung cancer with aortic wall invasion, 2018
- Video-assisted thoracoscopic thymectomy for myasthenia gravis: where we are, 2018
- Robotic surgery in mediastinal cysticpathologies, 2018
- Can the da Vinci robotic system be alternative to open surgery for schwannoma in posterior mediastinum?, 2018
- Primary Pulmonary Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma, 2017
- Ex vivo treatment with inhaled N-acetylcysteine in porcine lung transplantation, 2017
- Single-center experience withintraoperative extracorporeal membraneoxygenation use in lung transplantation, 2017
- Gelecekteki göğüs cerrahisi operasyonları, 2017
- Robotic thymectomy—a new approach for thymus, 2017
- Hepatik hidrotoraksta göğüs cerrahibakış açısı, 2017
- Kemik ve Yumuşak Doku Tümörlerinde Pulmoner Metastazların Cerrahi Tedavisi, 2017
- Bronchial sleeve anastomosis and primary closures with da Vinci system: an advanced minimally invasive technique, 2017
- Right sided VATS thymectomy: “current standards of extended thymectomy for myasthenia gravis”, 2017
- Ex-vivo Lung Perfusion and Its Role in Experimental Studies, 2017
- Ex vivo administration of trimetazidine improves post-transplantlung function in pig model, 2017
- Learning and improvement process of video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy: experiences of Süreyyapaşa, 2014
- Low protein content of drainage fluid is a good predictor for earlier chest tube removal after lobectomy, 2014
- Diagnostic Algorithm in Patients with Superior Vena Cava Syndrome and Efficacy of Cervical Mediastinoscopy, 2014
- The first case of robotic left lower lobectomy in Turkey, 2013
- The Importance of Size and Number of Cysts in Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst Patients, 2013
- Akciğerin nadir görülen bir malignitesi: Rabdoid tümör, 2013
- False-positivity of mediastinal lymph nodes has negative effect on survival in potentially resectable non-small cell lung cancer, 2012
- A single lung transplantation for silicosis: the first successful lung transplantation case in Turkey, 2011
- Videothoracoscopic approach to recurrence primaryspontaneous pneumothorax: using of electrocoagulation insmall bulla/blebs, 2009
- Erişkin diafragma yüksekliğindefarklı cerrahi düzeltme tekniklerinin geç dönem sonuçları, 2010
- Sleeve lobectomy provides better survival rates than pneumonectomy in patients with NSCLC, 2010
- How can we discharge our patients safely following a major lung resection, 2012
- Ex vivo administration of trimetazidine improves post-transplant lung function in a pig model, 2016
- Single center experience with intraoperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenation use in lung transplantation, 2016
- Primer Akciğer Karsinomu Nedeniyle AnatomikRezeksiyon Uygulanan 80 Yaş Üstü OlgulardaCharlson Komorbidite İndeksi ve Sağkalımİlişkisi, 2019
- Akciğer ve trakea cerrahisi sonrası felaket:fistüller ve tedavileri, 2019
- Timik Epitelyal Tümörlerde Rutin veya SelektifLenf Nodu Diseksiyonu, 2019
- KHDAK pnömonektomi-sleeve rezeksiyon, morbidite, mortalite, sağkalım karşılaştırması, 2009
- Modern pratikte sleeve rezeksiyon oranı ne olmalıdır?, 2013
- Nadir Yapılan Bir Rezeksiyon Şekli: Sleeve Bilobektomi Sonuçlarımız., 2013
- Rezeke edilen küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanserinde evre 3a alt gruplarının analizi ve sağkalım sonuçları, 2013
- Modern pratikte minimal invaziv akciğer rezeksiyonu oranı kaç olmalıdır?, 2017
- Investigation of sentinel lymph nodes using SPECT/CT and perioperative gamma assay combined with immunhistochemistry in NSCLC patients undergoing lung resection, 2011
- The Impact of Perioperative Immunonutrition on Tissue Healing and Infection Related Morbidity in Patients Undergoing Lung Resection for NSCLC, 2015
- Treatment of a complex trakea-esophageal pathology, 2018
- Dance with the sutures, 2017
- Chest surgery ’xxGöğüs Cerrahisi’xx, ISBN: , 2017
- Akciğer Hastalıkları ve Tedavisi, ISBN: 978-605-5121-01-3, 2013
- Breast Disease, ISBN: 978-3-030-16792-9, 2019
- Göğüs Cerrahisi Çalışma grubu. Sözlü bildiri ödülü, 2020
- 2219- Yurt Dışı Doktora Sonrası Araştırma Burs Programı, 2015