TUFAN HİÇDÖNMEZ, MD Professor of Neurosurgery, LİV Hospital Vadi İstanbul, İstinye University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery Istanbul, Turkey Date of Birth 24.08.1960 Place of Birth İzmir, Turkey Scolastic Background and Professional Experience Doctor of Medicine Ege University Faculty of Medicine, İzmir, Turkey 1979-1985 Neurosurgery Residency Department of Neurosurgery, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University (Director: Professor Umur Kaya) 1987-1993 Paediatric Neurosurgery Training Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Marmara University (Director: Professor Memet Özek) 1995-1999 Attending Neurosurgeon Trakya University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Edirne, Turkey, (Director: Professor Sebahattin Çobanoğlu) 1999-2010 Paediatric Neurosurgery Clinical Fellowship British Columbia’s Children’s Hospital, Department of Surgery, Division of Paediatric Neurosurgery, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada (Director: Professor Paul Steinbok) 2002-2003 with one year training scholarship of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society. Attending neurosurgeon, Chief of Department of Neurosurgery, Program Director Kartal Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Training and Research Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, International Faculty of Medicine, University of Health Sciences, İstanbul, Turkey 2010-2021 Attending neurosurgeon, Department of Neurosurgery, Live Hospital Vadi İstanbul, İstanbul, Turkey 2021- Membership Turkish Neurosurgical Society (TNDer) International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery ( ISPN) Areas of interest and occupation Paediatric Neurosurgery, Tumour surgery, Craniosynostosis, Spinal disraphysm, Spasticity, Hydrocephalus
Araştırma Alanları
- Craniosynostosis
- Hydrocephalus
- Spastisity
- Spina bifida
- Arachnoid cysts
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi
- Successful application of the ventriculo-gallbladder shunt: a salvage procedure, 2017
- Spontaneous Resolution of a Sylvian Arachnoid Cyst in a Child: A Case Report, 2017
- Stepwise removal of the fused midline parietal bone to avoid superior sagittal sinus injury in infants with sagittal synostosis., 2017
- Children with Metopic Ridge., 2017
- Supratentorial hemanjioperisitom: Olgu sunumu., 2016
- Kraniovertebral bileşke anolalilerinin değerlendirilmesi ve sınıflaması., 2015
- The effect of untethering on urologic symptoms and urodynamic parameters in children with tethered cord syndrome., 2015
- A microsurgical training model for anterior cervical discectomy in fresh sheep spine., 2013
- Laboratory training in the retrosigmoid approach using cadaveric silicone injected cow brain., 2013
- Treatment of a large and symptomatic septum pellucidum cyst with endoscopic fenestration in a child: Case report and review of the literature., 2012
- laboratory training model using fresh sheep spines for pedicular screw fixation., 2012
- Paediatric ganglioglioma of the conus medullaris., 2011
- The primary cerebellopontine angle craniopharyngioma in a patient with Gardner syndrome: Case report and literature review., 2011
- Torakolomber stabilizasyondan sonra gelişen tekrarlayıcı fibromatozis: olgu sunumu., 2010
- Validity of serum tau protein levels in pediatric patients with minor head trauma., 2010
- Indications for brain computed tomography and hospital admission in pediatric patients with minor head injury. How much can we rely on clinical findings?, 2009
- A laboratory training model in fresh cadaveric sheep brain for microneurosurgical dissection of cranial nerves in posterior fossa., 2008
- Intrasacral extradural arachnoid cyst. Three cases reports., 2008
- Factors affecting the incidence and severity of vasospasm after subarachnoid haemorrhage., 2008
- Türk nöroşirürji pratiğinde kullanılan Fransızca kökeni sözcüklerin kullanım yanlışlıkları., 2007
- Dr. Fazıl Halit, nöroşirürji ve birinci dünya savaşında Erzurum., 2006
- Giant cervicothoracic extradural arachnoid cyst: Case report., 2006
- Neuroprotective Effects of N-acetylcysteine on Experimental Closed Head Trauma in Rats., 2006
- Giant Subdural Empyema in a Child: A Case Report., 2006
- Simulation of Craniofacial Surgery for craniosynostosis: A Training Model of a Fresh Cadaveric Sheep Cranium., 2006
- Microneurosurgical training model in fresh cadaveric cow brain: A laboratory study simulating the approach to the circle of Willis., 2006
- Paraplegia due to spinal subdural hematoma as a complication of posterior fossa surgery: case report and review of the literature., 2006
- Hydrocephalus in Sabuncuoglu’s Textbook of Surgery: Cerrahiyyet’ul Haniye., 2006
- A laboratory training model for interhemispheric - transcallosal approach to the lateral ventricle., 2006
- Large intradiploic growing skull fracture of the posterior fossa: case report., 2006
- Nocardia brain abscess: report of two cases and review of clinical management., 2006
- Contralateral subdural effusion after aneurysm surgery and decopressive craniectomy: case report and review of the literature., 2005
- Hip joint subluxation after selective dorsal rhizotomy for spastic cerebral palsy., 2005
- Factors affecting the outcome of decompressive craniotomy for large hemispheric infarctions: a prospective cohort study, 2005
- Spinal deformities after selective dorsal rhizothomy for spastic cerebral palsy., 2005
- Spontneous hemorrhage into spinal neurenteric cyst: case report., 2004
- Minimizing blood transfusions in the surgical correction of coronal and metopic craniosynostosis., 2004
- Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome with posterior intraorbital coloboma cyst: an unusual case., 2004
- Reversible postictal MRI change mimicking structural lesion., 2003
- Giant pericallosal artery aneurysm: case report and review of the literature., 2001
- Solid-calcified cyst of the third ventricle., 2001
- Tethered cord in the adult mimicking the lumbar disc syndrome. Report of two cases., 1993
- A comparative study of brain stem auditory evoked potentials and blink reflexes in posterior fossa tumor patients, 1988
- Posterior fossa yer kaplayan oluşumlarında beyin sapı işitsel uyarılmış potansiyelleri ve göz kırpma refleksinin preoperatif ve postoperatif incelenmesi., 1986
- Meme kanserinin supra ve infratentorial kistik metastazları: Olgu sunumu.,