Caner Geyik completed his undergraduate and Master's education in Ege University Biochemistry Department. During this period he focused on biosensor design and bioconjugation. During Master's education, he worked at Kumamoto University (Japan) as a visiting researcher. He completed his PhD in Institute of Drug Abuse, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science, Ege University and conducted research on excitotoxicity. He also worked as guest researcher at National Institute of Mental Health in USA (NIH, NIMH) for 1 year as a part of PhD thesis.
Araştırma Alanları
- Tissue and Cell Culture
- Cancer Metabolism
- In Vitro Toxicology
- Metascience
- Anticancer Drug Development
- Neuroscience
- Addiction
- Biosensors
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Tıbbi Biyokimya
- Current evaluation and recommendations for the use of artificial intelligence tools in education, 2024
- Enhancing urinalysis with smartphone and AI: a comprehensive review of point-of-care urinalysis and nutritional advice, 2023
- Composition analysis of e-liquids and their effects on healthy liver and pharyngeal carcinoma cell lines, 2023
- From viability to cell death: Claims with insufficient evidence in high-impact cell culture studies., 2022
- Preparation of glutathione loaded nanoemulsions and testing of hepatoprotective activity on THLE-2 cells, 2021
- Functional Surfaces Constructed with Hyperbranched Copolymers as Optical Imaging and Electrochemical Cell Sensing Platforms, 2018
- pH responsive glycopolymer nanoparticles for targeted delivery of anti-cancer drugs, 2018
- Bioconjugation and Applications of Amino Functional Fluorescence Polymers, 2017
- Testing of bioactive-nanovesicles on hepatotoxicity of atypical antipsychotics via digital holography, 2017
- Poly p phenylene with Poly ethylene glycol Chains and Amino Groups as a Functional Platform for Controlled Drug Release and Radiotherapy, 2016
- Complex Structured Fluorescent Polythiophene Graft Copolymer as a Versatile Tool for Imaging Targeted Delivery of Paclitaxel and Radiotherapy, 2016
- Functional poly p phenylene s as targeting and drug carrier materials, 2016
- Controlled release of anticancer drug Paclitaxel using nano structured amphiphilic star hyperbranched block copolymers, 2015
- A multi functional fluorescent scaffold as a multi colour probe design and application in targeted cell imaging, 2015
- The covalent bioconjugate of multiwalled carbon nanotube and amino modified linearized plasmid DNA for gene delivery, 2014
- Peptide modified conducting polymer as a biofunctional surface Monitoring of cell adhesion and proliferation, 2014
- Modified gold surfaces by 6 ferrocenyl hexanethiol dendrimer gold nanoparticles as a platform for the mediated biosensing applications, 2013
- Offline glucose biomonitoring in yeast culture by polyamidoamine cysteamine modified gold electrodes, 2011
- Alcohol biosensing by polyamidoamine PAMAM cysteamine alcohol oxidase modified gold electrode, 2010
- Effects of NRF2 inhibition on chemosensitivity and gene expression in KRAS mutant colorectal cancer cells, 2023
- Effects of Nrf2 Inhibiton On Chemosensitivity In Colorectal Cancer, 2022
- Role of Cellular Trafficking of the Neuronal Glutamate Transporter, EAAT3, in the Neurotoxic Actions of Methamphetamine,
- Alkol oksidaz biyosensörünün hazırlanması ve akışa enjeksiyon analize (FIA) yönelik uygulamaları,
- Electrode Interfaces For Cell Adhesion: In Vitro Toxicology Platforms,
- Investigation on e liquids chromatographic content analysis effects on cultured human liver cells, 2015
- Yasal ve Yasadışı Maddeler ve Adli Toksikolojik Yaklaşımlar, ISBN: 978-625-7496-61-2, 2021