I graduated from Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 2003. I started my specialty training at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine In 2004,. I completed my thesis on “Serum vitamin D levels and gene polymorphisms in children who have undergone tonsillectomy” and received the title of specialist doctor in 2009. I worked as a specialist at Bağcılar Training and Research Hospital between 2009-2012. I worked as an assistant professor doctor at Medipol Faculty of Medicine In 2012. I worked at Bağcılar Education and Research Hospital with the chief assistant between 2012 and 2015. I passed the associate professor exam in 2015 and continued my job as an associate professor doctor. I contributed to the training of many assistant physicians and their specialty theses. I started working at Istinye University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology in 2019. I have been working as a professor doctor at Istinye University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology since March 2021.
Araştırma Alanları
- Nose aesthetic surgery
- Ear surgery
- Head&neck cancer
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Kulak Burun Boğaz Hastalıkları
- Histopathological Diversity in Parotidectomy Materials in Turkish Population Clinicopathologic Analysis and Demographic Features of 136 Cases in a Tertiary Care Hospital, 2014
- Metastatic follicular thyroid carcinoma masquerading as olfactory neuroblastoma With skull base cranium paranasal sinus lung and diffuse bone metastases, 2014
- The Impact of Pharyngeal Repair Time and Suture Frequency on the Development of Pharyngocutaneous Fistula After Total Laryngectomy, 2014
- Farklı morfolojiye sahip sinonazal paraganlioma olgusu 9 yıl takipli, 2014
- Long term high frequency tympanometry and audiometry results after cartilage and fascia tympanoplasty, 2014
- The impact of the pressure dressing on post thyroidectomy hypocalcemia prospective randomise controlled clinical study, 2014
- Case Study of a Parotid Gland Adenocarcinoma Dedifferentiated from Epithelial Myoepithelial Carcinoma, 2014
- Tympanometric Changes and Eustachian Tube Function in Patients With Hypothyroidism, 2014
- Morphometric analysis of the maxillary sinus in patients with nasal septum deviation, 2014
- Post tonsillectomy morbidities randomised prospective controlled clinical trial of cold dissection versus thermal welding tonsillectomy, 2014
- A radiological analysis of inferior turbinate in patients with deviated nasal septum by using computed tomography, 2014
- The effects of air pollutants on nasal functions of outdoor runners, 2014
- An efficacy comparison of betahistin trimetazidine and ginkgo biloba extract in patients with tinnitus, 2013
- Oral squamous cell carcinoma and serum paraoxonase 1, 2013
- The oxidant antioxidant status and cell death mode in oral squamous cell carcinoma, 2012
- Enhanced nerve growth factor expression by mast cells does not differ significantly between idiopathic and allergic rhinitis, 2012
- The role of vitamin D in children with recurrent Tonsillopharyngitis, 2012
- Atypical Presentation of Primary Giant Nasal Septal Mucopyocele, 2012
- Vitamin D levels in children with recurrent tonsillitis, 2011
- Arteriovenous malformation of auricula Case report, 2010
- Methotrexate Can it be a Choice for Nasal Polyposis in Aspirin Exacerbated Respiratory Disease, 2009
- Allergic vs nonallergic rhinitis which is more predisposing to chronic rhinosinusitis, 2008
- Is acetaminophen as effective as an antihistamine decongestant acetaminophen combination in relieving symptoms of acute nasopharyngitis in children, 2007
- Mikrolaringeal Cerrahi Uygulanacak Hastalarda Zor Entübasyonun Saptanmasında İndirek Laringoskopik Değerlendirme,
- Posttravmatik Keratine Karşı Yabancı Cisim Reaksiyonu Gösteren Nazal Müköz Kist,
- İki Pediatrik Olguda Akut Rinosinüzit Komplikasyonu Olarak Subperiostal Apse,
- Kartilaj ve fasya timpanoplasti sonrası uzun dönem yüksek frekans timpanometri ve odyometri sonuçları,
- Total larenjektomi olan hastalarda maliyet tanımlama analizi,
- Ozon Sağaltımının Cisplatine bağlı İç kulakta hasarına etkisini sıçanlarda değerlendirmek,
- PFAPA sendromlu 2 hastada Ailevi Akdeniz Ateşi gen birlikteği,
- Sağ nazal kavitede kondromezenkimal hamartom olgusu,
- Tavşanlarda Parsiyel Aurikula defektlerinde Full Thickness extended lateral thoracic faciacutanous falp başarısı,
- Deneysel Olarak Oluşturulmuş Atrofik Rinitli Sıçanlarda Yağ Dokusunun Mukoza Altına Enjeksiyonunun Etkileri,
- Deneysel Olarak Oluşturulmuş Atrofik Rinitli Sıçanlarda Ozon Tedavisinin Etkinliği,
- Nazal Septal Perforasyon Hayvan Modelinde Propilen Mesh İle Rekonstruksiyon Sonuçları,
- The impact of the pressure dressing on calcium levels after total thyroidectomy prospective randomise controlled clinical study,
- The importance of fine needle aspiration cytology in parotid masses,
- Total tiroidektomi sonrası baskılı pansuman gerekli mi,
- The impact of pharyngeal repair time and number of sutures used in its closure on the development of pharyngocutaneous fistula following total laryngectomy,
- Antrokoanal polip ve maksiller sinüs hacim ilişkisi,
- Sinonasal paraganglioma olgusu 8 yıl takipli,
- Efficiency of combined Epley and Roll repositioning maneuvers in treatment of recurrent BPPV,
- An Unusual traumatic dislocation of stapes footplate into vestibule,
- Research Of Paraoxonase Gene Polymorphısms In Oral Squamous Cell Carcınomas,
- Renal cerrahi sonrası relapsing polikondrit Olgusu,
- Maksiller sinüs tümörünü taklit eden dev Maksiller sinüs mukosel olgusu,
- Primer septal mukopiyosel olgusu,
- Tonsillektomi olmuş çocuklarda serum D vitamini düzeyleri ve gen polimorfizmleri,
- Ağiz tabanindan kaynaklanan miyoepitelyal karsinom olgu sunumu,
- Vokal kord paralizisinde ender görülen bir etyolojik faktör Kondrosarkom,