She graduated from Istanbul Kadıköy Anadolu Lisesi in 1987 and from Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty in 1993. T. Simru Tuğrul completed her specialty education in medicine between 1995-1999 in Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation. He continued to work as a specialist at the same faculty and received the title of Associate Professor on 10 March 2006. She continued her career as a lecturer in the Department of Anesthesiology at Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty until 2009. T. Simru Tuğrul was awarded the title of Professor in 2011 at Istanbul Bilim University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, where she was appointed in 2009. Prof. Dr. Simru Tuğrul received the Intensive Care Specialist Certificate in 2012. She worked as a founding lecturer at Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care in 2013. She started to work as the Chief of General Intensive Care Unit at Liv Hospital / Ulus Hospital in January 2013. Dr. Simru Tuğrul is one of the founding faculty members of Istinye University Faculty of Medicine in 2016 and still continues to work as a faculty member in the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation at ISÜ Faculty of Medicine.
Araştırma Alanları
- Cerrahi ve Medikal Kritik Hastalıklarda Yoğun Bakım
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Yoğun Bakım
- The effects of pneumoperitoneum pressure on blood gases, respiratory and venous systems during laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A prospective randomized trial, 2017
- Özel Durumlarda Beslenme, 2011
- A recruitment maneuver improves apneic oxygenation, 2011
- Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis methods in trauma and emergency surgery intensive care unit patients:low molecular weight heparin versus elastic stockings + intermittent pneumatic compression., 2010
- Case report of severe metabolic alkalosis: Life compatible new level, 2010
- Risk factors for mortality of nosocomial bacteremia in intensİve care units, 2007
- Yanık Hastalarında Yoğun Bakım Yaklaşımındaki Yeni Gelişmeler, 2007
- Role of magnesium sulphate in postoperative pain management for patients undergoing thoracotomy, 2007
- The effects of airway pressure and inspiratory time on bacterial translocation, 2007
- Comment on "Lung recruitment maneuver depresses central hemodynamics in patients after cardiac surery" by Nielsen et al. and "Acute leftward septal shift by lung recruitment" by Jardin., 2006
- Time required for equilibration of arterial oxygen pressure after setting optimal positive end-expiratory pressure in acute respiratory distress syndrome, 2005
- Effects of body temperature on ventilator-induced lung injury, 2005
- Yoğun bakım hastalarında uygulanan immünonutrisyonun nozokomiyal enfeksiyon gelişimine ve klinik sonuca etkisi., 2004
- Sepsiste immunomodülatör tedavi, 2003
- Sepsiste hemofiltrasyon., 2003
- Mekanik Ventilasyonun oluşturduğu akciğer hasarında hiperkarbinin koruyucu rolü, 2003
- Karaciğer kist hidatik operasyonunda iyatrojenik hipernatremi., 2003
- Yoğun Bakım Ünitelerinde İnfeksiyon Kontrolü, 2003
- End-of-life procedures in European Intensive Care Units. The Ethics Study, 2003
- Gastric intramucosal pH is stable during titration of positive end-expiratory pressure to improve oxygenation in acute respiratory distress syndrome, 2003
- Effect of sustained inflaiton and postinflation positive end-expiratory pressure in acute respiratory response syndrome: Focusing on pulmonary and extrapulmonary forms, 2003
- Yoğun bakım ünitesinde nosokomiyal pnömoni., 2002
- Yoğun bakımda antibiyotik tüketimi: Temel kavramlar ve tüketim stratejisinin öğeleri, 2002
- Hematolojik kanser hastalarında yoğun bakım deneyimlerimiz., 2002
- New therapies in severe sepsis, 2002
- Yapay solunum uygulanan hastanın bakımı, 2002
- Sağ plevral yerleşim gösteren nazogastrik sonda., 2002
- Kardiyopulmoner resüsitasyon sonrası yoğun bakım, 2002
- Kafa travmalı hastalarda farklı nütrisyon yöntemlerinin etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması, 2002
- Kritik hastada jejunal beslenme etkin midir?, 2002
- The effects of IgM enriched immunoglobulin in patients with severe sepsis: another point of view-authors' response, 2002
- Reliability of procalcitonin as a severity marker in critically ill patients with inflammatory response., 2002
- Recruitment maneuver: Does it promote bacterial translocation?, 2002
- The effects of IgM enriched immunoglobulin preparations in patients with severe sepsis, 2002
- Yoğun Bakımda HELLP Sendromu: 25 olgunun analizi, 2001
- Techniques and complications of one lung ventilation in children with suppurative lung disease: Experience in 15 cases., 2001
- Perkütan dilatasyonlu ve forsepsli trakeostomi tekniklerinin karşılaştırılması., 2001
- SIRS, Sepsis, Ağır Sepsis ve Septik Şok olgularında yeni bir tanı, takip ve prognoz kriteri: Prokalsitonin., 2001
- “Recruitment” manevrası içeren ventilasyon stratejisinin primer ve sekonder ARDS’de oksijenlenme üzerine etkileri., 2001
- Clinical applicalibility of the substution of mixed venous oxygen saturation, 2001
- Değişik hasta gruplarında sağ ventrikül, sağ atrium ve santral ven kanı örneklerinin pulmoner ven kanı örneği ile oksijen satürasyonu açısından karşılaştırılması, 2000
- Yoğun bakım ünitesinde perkütan endoskopik gastrostomi, 2000
- Reducing tidal volume does not affect oxygenation in ASA I-II patients during anesthesia, 1999
- Anesthetic approach in a child with juvenile hyaline fibromatosis, 1998
- Acute respiratory failure in a woman with left atrial myxoma, 1998
- Diz artroskopisinde preoperatif ve postoperatif intraartiküler tenoksikam uygulamalarının değerlendirilmesi, 1900
- Mekanik ventilasyonda dalga şekilleri ve döngülerin analizi, ISBN: , 2001
- Asiste spontan solunumun yeni modelleri, ISBN: , 2003
- Acil Cerrahi, ISBN: , 2009
- Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, ISBN: 0942-5381, 2009
- Klinik Anestezi, ISBN: , 2017
- Klinik Yoğun Bakım, ISBN: , 2010
- Klinik Yoğun Bakım, ISBN: , 2010