Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Cerrahi Onkoloji (Genel Cerrahi)
- Environmental Stressors Perceived by Patients in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, 2022
- Relationship Between Serum CA 19-9 Levels and Lymphovascular and Perineural Invasion of the Tumor and Lymph Node Metastasis in Patients Operated due to Pancreatic Carcinoma, 2022
- Nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is a potential prognostic factor in patients with gastric adenocarcinoma, 2022
- The Effect of Microsatellite Instability on Clinicopathological Data and Survival in Colorectal Cancer, 2022
- Possible effects of clinoptilolite on small intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury caused by experimental mesenteric artery occlusion, 2022
- Negative-to-Positive Lymph Node Ratio as anIndependent Prognostic Factor for Gastric Adenocarcinoma , 2021
- The Relationship Between Systemic Immune-Inflammation Index and TNM Stage in Patients Underwent Pancreatic Cancer Surgery, 2021
- Is complete mesocolic excision or total mesorectal excision necessary during cytoreductive surgery in ovarian peritoneal carcinomatosis with colonic involvement?, 2021
- Approach to cancer patients of a clinical oncology surgery in Turkey during COVID-19 Pandemic, 2021
- Cytoreductive Surgery and Perioperative Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy Experience in Peritoneal Carcinomatosis: Single-Center Analysis of 180 Cases, 2021
- The Effect of Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy on Quality of Life in Colorectal Originated Peritoneal Carcinomatosis, 2021
- ADAM10 expression in gastric adenocarcinoma: Results of a curative gastrectomy cohort March - April 2021 Vol. 37 No. 2, 2021
- Mide Kanseri ve Preoperatif Anemi Arasındaki İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi, 2021
- The effect of parathyroidectomy on kidney functions in primary hyperparathyroidism, 2020
- The relationship between Ki-67 index and axillary lymph node metastasis in breast carcinoma, 2020
- Comparison of Cerb B2 expression and Ki-67 index with modified scarff-bloom-richardson grading system in invasive ductal carcinoma, 2020
- The Relationship of Androgen Receptor Expression with Other Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer, 2020
- A rare case of peritoneal loose body, 2019
- Recovery of Burn Stasis Zone Using Pentoxifylline and Milrinone in an Experimental Burn Model Established For Rats, 2019
- Apendiks Tümörleri ve Pseudomyxoma Peritonei’xxde Peritoneal Hastalığa Yaklaşım ve Sitoredüktif Cerrahi-HİPEK, 2017
- Mide Fundusunda Gastrik Divertikül, 2016
- Horner s syndrome A rare complication of thyroid cancer surgery, 2016
- Nonleukemic myeloid sarcoma presenting as intussusception of small bowel in a male patient An unusual presentation, 2016
- Hypermethylation of tumor suppressor genes in gastric cancer associations with demographic and clinicopathological characteristics, 2016
- KRAS BRAF oncogene mutations and tissue specific promoter hypermethylation of tumor suppressor SFRP2 DAPK1 MGMT HIC1 and p16 genes in colorectal cancer patients, 2016
- Co existence of cecal volvulus with situs inversus totalis A case report, 2016
- Effects Of Intraperitoneal Chemotherapeutik Agents On Postoperative Intraabdominal Adhesion Formation, 2016
- Cytoreductive surgery and perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy for gynecological malignancies a single center experience, 2016
- Well differentiated abdominal liposarcoma experience of a tertiary care center, 2015
- Effects of the Pringle manoeuvre on the healing of left colonic anastomoses in rats, 2014
- Antitumoral effects of Salvia absconditiflora Greuter Burdet syn Salvia cryptantha Montbret Aucher ex Benth on Breast cancer, 2013
- Antitumor effects of Origanum acutidens extracts on human breast cancer, 2013
- Antitumoral effects of Allium sivasicum on breast cancer in vitro and in vivo, 2013
- Does hydatid disease have protective effects against lung cancer, 2013
- Huge inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of abdomen Report of a case, 2012
- Cytoreductıve Surgery Followed By Hyperthermıc Intraperıtoneal Chemotherapy Analyzes Of The Morbıdıty And Mortalıty Of Our Patıents, 2012
- Antitumoral effects of Melissa officinalis on breast cancer in vitro and in vivo, 2012
- Small bowel tumors in emergency surgery, 2011
- Huge cystic lymphangioma mimicking ovarian malignancy a case report, 2011
- A new technique for partial splenectomy with radiofrequency technology, 2011
- Management of neuroendocrine carcinomas of the breast A rare entity, 2011
- Antineoplastic properties of some plant extracts which are endemic in Sivas, 2010
- A New Partial Splenectomy Technique Using Radiofrequency Ablation Technology Report of a case, 2010
- Akay GG Ünal AE Elhan A Bayar S Karadayi K Sunguroglu A Kadikiran A Tukun A DNA Copy Number Changes in Gastric Adenocarcinomas HR CGH Study in Turkey, 2009
- Telomerase activity could be used as a marker for neoplastic transformation in gastric adenocarcinoma but it does not have a prognostic significance, 2007
- Chlorhexidine gluconate an ideal scolicidal agent in the treatment of intraperitoneal hydatidosis, 2005
- Isolated hepatic tuberculous pseudometastasis co existent with adenocarcinoma of the stomach report of a case, 2004
- A functioning desensitization paraganglioma vvhich caused hemodynamic instability during tumoral resection report of a case, 2004
- Positive effects of phenytoin on experimental colonic anastomoses, 2004
- Our sigmoid colon volvulus experience and benefits of colonoscope in detortion process, 2004
- Peripancreatic tuberculous lymphadenitis mimicking carcinoma report of a case, 2004
- Do vascular endothelial growth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor promote phenytoin s wound healing effect in rat An immunohistochemical and histopathologic study, 2004
- Gastric Necrosis and Perforation Caused by Acute Gastric Dilatation: Report of a Case, 2003
- Laparoscopic versus öpen appendectomy Analysis of systemic acute phase responses in a prospective randomized study, 2003
- Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis associated vvith duodenal ulcer and pyloric stenosis Report of two cases, 2003
- Intraluminal migration of retained surgical sponge vvithout sign of peritonitis Report of a case, 2003
- Acute cholecystitis obstructive jaundice pyogenic cholangitis and acute pancreatitis caused by Ascaris lumbricoides, 2003
- Comparison of different thyroidectomy techniques for benign thyroid disease, 2003
- Enteral and intraluminal short chain fatty acids improves ischemic left colonic anastomotic hdaling in the rat, 2002
- Comparison of postoperative acute phase reactants in patients who underwent laparoscopic v open cholecystectomy a randomized study, 2000
- Effect of granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor on vvound nitrite level in normal and irradiated rats, 1999
- Laparoskopik Rektum Kanseri Cerrahisinde İlk Deneyimlerimiz, 2020
- 70 Yaş Üzeri Meme Kanseri Deneyimimiz, 2020
- İntraperitoneal kemoterapotik ajanların postoperatif karın içi yapışıklık oluşumu üzerine etkiler,
- Hypermetilation analysis of 25 tumor supressor genes in colorectal cancer tissues,
- Analysis of Molecular Cytogenetic Alterations of Gastric and Colon Carcinoma by Array Based Comparative Genomic Hybridization Array CGH,
- Malpraktis, ISBN: 978-625-401-492-5, 2021