I was born on January 8th 1974, Lefkosa/Northern Cyprus. I completed primary, middle and college education at Northern Cyprus. I graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine ( English part). After faculty of medicine, I earn internist and medical oncologist degree from Gazi University and, Baskent University, respectively. I have been working as a Medical Oncologist, assisted prof. associated prof. and since 2021 as a full prof. at Baskent University Department of Medical Oncology. I am married and have two children. Since 2018, my focus in oncology on Gastrointestinal and urogenital tumours. Therefore, I had strong collaboration with international clinical trial group at these subjects, currently I am working at more than 20 international phase trials either as a primary or sub-investigator.
Araştırma Alanları
- Gyneoncology, Urooncology, Gastrointestinal System Tumors
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Tıbbi Onkoloji (İç Hastalıkları)
- Lack of prognostic significance of C erbB 2 expression in low and high grade astrocytomas, 2014
- Primary Extranodal Non Hodgkin s Lymphoma Clinicopathological Features Survival and Treatment Outcome in Two Cancer Centers of Southern Turkey, 2014
- Targeted treatment with pazopanin in metastatic soft tissue sarcoma Nearly complete respose in two cases, 2014
- Gemcitabine Platinum Combination chemotherapy in patients with metastatic cancer who suffer from severe and irreversible hepatic impairment A Single Center Experience, 2014
- Attributes of cancer patients admitted to the emergency department in one year, 2014
- Prolonged use of bevacizumab may cause extensive coronary artery thrombosis, 2014
- The clinicopathological and survival differences between never and ever smokers with non small cell lung cancer, 2014
- Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio predicts PSA response but not outcomes in patients with castration resistant prostate cancer treated with docetaxel, 2014
- Malignant pleural mesothelioma A single center experience in Turkey, 2014
- Definitive Chemoradiation Therapy Following Surgical Resection or Radiosurgery Plus Whole Brain Radiation Therapy in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients With Synchronous Solitary Brain Metastasis A Curative Approach, 2014
- Evaluation of Doxorubicin Cardiomyopathy by Signal Averaged Electrocardiography, 2013
- Acute infusion reactions to chemotherapeutic drugs a single institute experience, 2013
- Does Fascin Expression in Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphomas have a Clinical Impact in Patients Treated with Anthracyclin Based Chemotherapy Plus Rituximab, 2013
- Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in untreated cancer patients a cross sectional study, 2012
- Non hodgkin lenfoma insan bağışıklık eksikliği virüsü hıv enfeksiyonu ve multisentrik kastleman hastalığı tek hastalık olarak prezentasyonu, 2012
- Effectiveness of percutaneous metal stent placement in cholangiocarcinoma patients with midterm follow up Single center experience, 2012
- Five year follow up results for patients diagnosed with anaplastic astrocytoma and effectiveness of concomitant therapy with temozolomide for recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma, 2012
- Evre IV Küçük Hücreli Dışı Akciğer Kanserli Olgularda Prognostik Faktörlerin İncelenmesi, 2011
- A Case of Renal Synovial Sarcoma Treated with Adjuvant Ifosfamide and Doxorubicin, 2011
- Penis Metastazı Yapan Bir Mesane Karsinomu Olgusu, 2010
- Effectiveness of temozolomide treatment used at the same time with radiotherapy and adjuvant temozolomide concomitant therapy of glioblastoma multiforme multivariate analysis and other prognostic factors, 2010
- Unilateral hand foot syndrome an extraordinary side effect of capecitabine, 2010
- Immediate or Delayed Docetaxel Does Progression Free Survival Really Reflect Two Strategies, 2009
- Primary Renal Lymphoma Report of Four Cases, 2009
- Little dose huge toxicity profound hematological toxicity of intrathecal methotrexate, 2009
- Colon Adenocarcinoma and Solitary Tibia Metastasis Rare Entity, 2008
- Başkent Üniveristesi Adana Eğitim ve Araştırma Merkezi Tıbbi Onkoloji bölümü hasta kayıtlarının bir analizi,
- Böbrek metastazı saptanan mide karsinomlu olgu,
- Düşük doz oral metotreksat ile tedavi edilen langerhans hücreli histiositozis olgusu,
- Metastazla seyreden intraduktal meme karsinomlu bir olgu,
- Son dönem böbrek yetmezlikli hemodiyaliz programında olan metastatik kolon karsinomlu bir olguda folfiri protokolü kullanımı,
- Mide adenokarsinomdan kaynaklanan leptomengial karsinomatosis olgu sunumu,
- Sistemik kemoterapi ile tam yanıt alınan cilt metastazlı nadir bir over kanserli vaka,
- İleri evre küçük hücreli olmayan akciğer kanserinde c erbB2 nin gemzar cisplatin kemoterapi cevabı üzerine olan etkisi,
- Kanser hastalarında tanı anında tiroid fonksiyon testi anormalliği prevalansı kesitsel gözlem çalışması,
- Prokalsitonin hospitalize edilen onkoloji hastalarında enfeksiyon ilişkili mortaliteyi crp esr lökosit ve ecog performansından bağımsız şekilde göstermektedir,
- Pazopanib ile hedefe yönelik tedavi uygulanarak tama yakın cevap alınan metastatik yumuşak doku sarkomu tanılı 2 olgu sunumu,
- Scalp de kitle ile presente olan diffuz büyük b hücreli lenfoma tanılı oldu sunumu,
- Diz metastazı saptanan özefagus karsinomlu olgu,
- Metastatik merkel hücreli karsinom olgu sunumu,
- Onkoloji kliniğine başvuran hastalarda stres durumunun değerlendirilmesi,
- Metastatik kolorektal kanserli hastalarda anti vegf tedavi ile vegf no ve ang II düzeylerinde değişim ve tedaviye yanıtla ilişkisi,
- Diffuz büyük b hücreli lenfomalarda fascın ekspresyonunun klinik önemi,
- Erişkin medulloblastomlu 2 olgu sunumu,
- Orak Hücreli aneminin eşlik ettiği meme karsinomuolgusu,
- Penis metastazı yapan bir mesane karsinomu olgusu,
- Sakral bölgede kitle ile başvuran atipik tiroid kanser olgusu,
- Küçük hücre dışı akciğer kanseri olan hastalarda yeni aday genetik belirleçlerinin incelenmesi,
- Nadir rastlanan bir olgu Kemoterapi ile tam yanıt alınan metastatik böbreğin primitif nöroektodermal tümörü,
- Nefrolitiasis Zemininde Gelişen Böbrek Pelvisinin Squamöz Hücreli Karsinomu,
- Primer böbrek lenfoması 3 olgu sunumu,
- Ovarıan adenocarcınoma arısıng from malıgnant transformatıon of mature cystıc teratoma a complıcated case of metastatıc dısease wıth deep veın thrombosıs,
- Effectiveness of percutaneous metal stent placement in cholangiocarcinoma patients with midterm follow up Single center experience,
- Bleomycin Ifosfamide and etoposide in treatment of cervical carcinoma single center experience,
- The clinical impact of oncological patients with solitary bone lesions detected on F 18 FDG PET CT scans,
- The impact of number and site of metastases on survivalin stage IV non small cell lung cancer,
- Pathologic subgroup analysis in patients who were diagnosed as non small cell lung carcinoma and analysis of its effect together with basic demographic and clinical characteristics on survival parameters,
- No tromboses were seen in the subcutaneous port system without prophylactic heparin flushing report of seven cases,
- Procalcıtonın ıs the fırst bıomarker that sıgnıfıcantly correlated wıth the ınfectıon related mortalıty ındependent from c reactıve proteın sedımentatıon rate performance scale and leukocyte count,
- Predictive risk factors for brain metastasis in breast cancer,
- Does biology and location predict chemotherapy benefit Patients with distal gastric cancer have superior outcome with addition of taxanes into combination chemotherapy while proximal and diffuse gastric cancers don t,
- Multimodality treatment for thymoma and thymic carcinoma Results of single center experience,
- Cisplatin combination regimen in the second line treatment of non small cell lung cancer,