Faculty of Medicine

Academic Members

Prof. Berçem Ayçiçek

Berçem Ayçiçek

Tıp Eğitimi

I was born in Diyarbakir in 1979. I completed my Primary/Secondary education and high school in Diyarbakir. After graduating from Gazi University Faculty of Medicine in 2004, I specialized in Internal Diseases between 2005-2010 and Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases between 2010- 2013 at Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. After completing my civil service obligation at S.B.U Darica Farabi Training and Research Hospital between 2013-2014, I worked as a Training Assistant at Derince Training and Research Hospital between 2014-2017. After receiving my title of Associate Professor in the field of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases in March 2016, I continued to work as a Training Assistant at Diyarbakir Gazi Ya§argil Training and Research Hospital for 4 years (2017-2020). Between August 2020 and August 2022, I continued to provide health services in my Private Practice. I have been working at Liv Ulus/Vadi hospitals since October 2022. I have more than 70 articles published in domestic and international journals. The publication has H-Index 11 citations. I speak English and German. I am a member of Turkish Medical Association, Turkish Society of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases and The European Society of Endocrinology.

Araştırma Alanları

  • Thyroid gland diseases, Diabetes, Pituitary/Adrenal/Gonadal

Çalışma Alanları

  • Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
  • Tıp Eğitimi
  • Relationships between microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus and levels of macro and trace elements, 2023
  • Thyroid volume in young males with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism versus young healthy males, 2023
  • Diyabet ve Kalp Hastalıkları, 2023
  • Diabetes mellitus hastalarında kullanılan antidiyabetik ilaçlar. Yiğit Z, editör. Diyabet ve Kalp Hastalıkları, 2023
  • Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging features for differentiating functioning from non-functioning adrenal lesions, 2021
  • A retrospective comparison between intensive and non-intensive insulin regimens in type 2 diabetes mellitus, 2021
  • Digital analysis of hormonal immunostaining in pituitary adenomas classified according to WHO 2017 criteria and correlation with preoperative laboratory findings, 2020
  • The Relationship between Serum Estrogen Levels and Presence of Benign Lesions in Uterus Thyroid Gland and Breasts, 2019
  • Frequency of incidental liver and renal masses accompanying adrenal incidentalomas, 2018
  • Comparison of echocardiographic findings in patients with nonfunctioning adrenal incidentalomas, 2017
  • After methimazole dose escalation developing agranulocytosis in long-term use of methimazole, 2016
  • Relationship between gestational transient thyrotoxicosis and vitamin D, 2016
  • Autoimmune Fibrotic Adverse Reactions in One-Year Treatment with Cabergoline for Women with Prolactinoma, 2016
  • Predictivity of stimulated serum thyroglobulin and antithyroglobulin antibodies for the efficacy of thyroid remnant ablation on patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma, 2016
  • The Relationship Between Increased Epicardial Fat Thickness and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Patients With Nonfunctional Adrenal Incidentaloma, 2016
  • Evaluation of atherosclerosis after cessation of cabergoline therapy in patients with prolactinoma, 2015
  • Does acquired hypothyroidism affect the hearing, 2015
  • Mean Platelet Volume and Lipid Profile in Non obese Prolactinoma Patients Without Insulin Resistance, 2015
  • Thyroid Gland Hemiagenesis with Multinodular Graves Disease A Case Report Multinoduler Graves Hastaliginin Eslik Ettigi Tiroid Hemiagenezili Olgu, 2015
  • Diferansiye Tiroid Kanserinde Endojen TSH Uyarısının Rezidu Boyutu ve Tiroglobulin Üzerine Etkisi, 2015
  • Effect of androgen replacement therapy on atherosclerotic risk markers in young to middle aged men with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, 2015
  • Characterization of V804M mutated RET proto oncogene associated with familial medullary thyroid cancer report of the largest Turkish family, 2015
  • Should insulin resistance be screened in lean hirsute women, 2015
  • Increased Risk of Unfavorable Metabolic Outcome in Patients with Clinically Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenomas, 2015
  • High prevalence of Hashimoto s thyroiditis in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome does the imbalance between estradiol and progesterone play a role, 2015
  • Parathyroid Cysts, 2015
  • Relationship between obesity with symptoms and findings of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, 2014
  • Feokromositomanın Nadir Bir Sebebi Nörofibromatozis Tip 1 Noonan Sendromu, 2014
  • Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of TSH Levels in Differentiated Thyroid Cancers, 2014
  • A Case Report of Insulinoma Located with Calcium Stimulation Test, 2014
  • A Case of Thyrotoxic Hypokalemia Periodic Paralysis, 2014
  • Fetal Maternal Outcomes of Isolated Hypothyroxinemia in Pregnancy, 2014
  • Acute hepatitis with concomitant graves disease, 2014
  • Association of Mean Platelet Volume With Androgens and Insulin Resistance in Nonobese Patients With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, 2014
  • A Rare Presentation of Subclinical Cushing s Syndrome as a Pubic Fracture, 2014
  • The Effect of Radioactive Iodine Treatment on 14C Urea Breath Test Results in Patients with Hyperthyroidism, 2014
  • Non functioning adrenal incidentalomas are associated with higher hypertension prevalence and higher risk of atherosclerosis, 2014
  • Insulin resistance and androgen levels in eugonadic and hypogonadic women with prolactinoma, 2014
  • Higher body mass index and larger waist circumference may be predictors of thyroid carcinoma in patients with Hürthle cell lesion neoplasm fine needle aspiration diagnosis, 2014
  • Impaired endothelial function in patients with mild primary hyperparathyroidism improves after parathyroidectomy, 2014
  • Evaluation of adipocytokine levels and vascular functions in young aged to middle aged men with idiopathic hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, 2014
  • Familial Mediterranean Fever Presenting with Perimenstrual Attacks and Infertility, 2013
  • Predisposing role of heterozygote MTHFR A1298C mutation in venous thrombosis in a pregnant patient A case report, 2013
  • Idiopathic Spontaneous Adrenal Hemorrhage in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy, 2013
  • Tip 2 Diabetes Mellitus Tedavisinde Kullanılan Farklı Tedavi Rejimlerinin Ortalama Trombosit Hacmi ile İlişkisi, 2011
  • Incidental Finding of Cor Triatriatum Sinister in an Asymptomatic Woman With Ankylosing Spondylitis, 2011
  • Dermatomyositis Associated with HemophagocyticSyndrome A Case Report Review of the Literature, 2008
  • Reversibl aside neden olan iskemik hepatit Olgu sunumu, 2006
  • Acut Monocytic Leukemia with Pituitary Involvement A Case Report,
  • Retrospective analyses of clinical and laboratory features of 646 patients with prolactinoma in Turkey,
  • Normocalcemic hyperparathyroidism is associated with complications similar to those of hypercalcemic hyperparathyroidism,
  • Are there any causes exist for increased thyroide volume in women with prolactinoma,
  • Dermatomyozit hastalığına sekonder hemofagositik sendrom vakası,
  • Nefrotik sendrom ve CA 125 yüksekliğiyle presente olan seronegatif sistemik lupus eritematozus olgusu,
  • Pyoderma gangrenosum ile prezente olan akut myeloblastik lösemi,
  • Derin ven trombozu ile başvuran olguda sistemik lupus eritematozus a sekonder antifosfolipid sendromu,
  • Takayasu arteriti ile beraber yüksek antifosfolipid antikor pozitifliği ve FV Leiden MTHFR gen mutasyonu,
  • Mc Cune Albright Sendromu olan hastada artrit tablosu Olgu Sunumu,
  • Polimyozit seyrinde görülen AMA M2 pozitifliği Vaka Sunumu,
  • Anlilozan Spondilit Vakasında İnsidental olarak saptanan Kor triatriatum Sinister Hastalığı Olgu Sunumu,
  • Anti CCP pozitifliği olan bir Primer Sjögren Sendromu Vakası Olgu Sunumu,
  • İnfektif Endokarditli Olguda Saptanan Diffüz Nekrotizan Kresentrik Glomerülonefrit Olgu Sunumu,
  • Proksimal Kas Güçsüzlüğü ile başvuran Tip 2 DM Hastasında Kronik İnflamatuvar Demiyelinizan Polinöropati Olgu Sunumu,
  • Tip 2 Diyabetes Mellitus tedavisinde kullanılan farklı tedaavi rejimlerinin Ortalama Trombosit Hacmi ile İlişkisi,
  • Nonobez polikistik over sendromlu hastalarda insülin direnci ile ortalama trombosit hacmi arasındaki ilişki,
  • Hipoglisemi ile başvuran hastada parsiyel hipopitüitarizm olgu sunumu,
  • Pitüiter metastaz ile seyreden bir meme kanserli olgusu,
  • Kalsiyum stimulasyon testiyle insülinomanın lokalize edildiği olgu sunumu,
  • Toksik Diffüz Multinodüler Guatrı olan Tiroid hemiagenezili Olgu,
  • Tirotoksikoz ve masif pulmoner tromboembolinin birlikte olduğu olgu sunumu,
  • Çenede kitle ile tanı alan Primer Hiperparatiroidizmli olgu sunumu,
  • Subklinik Cushing sendromunun eşlik ettiği Aldosteronoma olgusu,
  • Pubik fraktür ile tanı alan Subklinik Cushing Sendromu olgusu,
  • Non fonksiyone hipofiz adenomu vakalarımız,
  • Graves Hastalığı olan olguda Metimazol tedavisine bağlı myozit,
  • Tirotoksik hipokalemik periyodik paralizi olgusu,
  • Gebelikte üçüncü trimesterda gelişen tek tarafli spontan adrenal hemoraji olgusu,
  • Akromegali ve TSHoma birlikteliği olan 3 vaka sunumu,
  • Cushıng hastalığı ve adrenal cushıng sendromlu hastalarda metabolik değişikliklerin karşılaştırılması,
  • Kavum septum pellisidum ve kavum vergae anomalisi ile ilişkili iki hipofizer yetmezlik vakası,
  • Ektopik ACTH kliniği gösteren hipofizer Cushıng vakası,
  • Feokromositomanın nadir bir sebebi Nörofibromatozis tip 1 Noonan sendromu olgusu,
  • İdiopatik hipogonadotropik hipogonadizm hastalarının klinik ve labaratuvar özellikleri,
  • Prolaktinoma hastalarının klinik ve laboratuvar özellikleri,
  • Nörofibromatozis tip 1 sendromu ve primer hiperparatiroidizm Olgu sunumu,
  • Klinik ve laboratuvar bulguları eşliğinde büyüme hormonu üreten adenomların immunohistokimyasal incelemesi,
  • Primer Hiperparatiroidi nedeni ile takip edilen 307 hastanın demografik özellikleri,
  • Polikistik Over Sendromlu hastaların Klinik ve Biyokimyasal Özellikleri,
  • Adrenal Kitlelerde görüntüleme Özellikleri ile fonksiyone lezyonlar ayırt edilebilir mi,
  • Gebelik hipertiroidisi ve Vitamin D,
  • Prolaktinomalı hastalarda bir yıllık kabergolin tedavisinin Otoimmun fibrotik reaksiyonlar üzerine etkisi,
  • Hipotiroidili hastalarda işitme fonksiyonlarının değerlendirilmesi,
  • Ailesel Hipokalemik Metabolik Alkaloz Gitelman Sendromu,
  • Familial Mediterranean Fever Presenting with Perimenstrual Attacks and İnfertility A Case Report, 2009
  • Relationship Of Anxiety And Depression With Clinical And Biochemical Features İn Hirsute Patients,
  • The assessment of insulin resistance in nonobese patients with hirsutism,
  • High mean platelet volume and lipid abnormalities in prolactinoma patients without insulin resistance,
  • Evaluation of hearing and balance functions in patients with Hashimoto s thyroiditis,
  • Evaluation of the effect of radioactive iodine treatment on urea breath tests,
  • Is elevated preoperative TSH level predictive for differentiated thyroid cancer,
  • Evaluation of hearing functions in patients with thyrotoxicosis before and after therapy,
  • Assocıatıon between vıtamın D levels and dısease severıty ın patıents wıth obstructıve sleep apnea syndrome,
  • Presentation of 5 cases with parathyroid cysts,
  • Isolated maternal hypothyroxinemia at pregnancy and assessment of fetal maternal effects,
  • Comparison of insulin resistance among non obese secondary hypogonadal and eugonadal patients with prolactinoma,
  • Evaluation of adipocytokine levels and vascular reactivity in hypogonadotropic hypogonadal males,
  • Late onset postpartum diabetes insipidus a case report,
  • Acut monocytic leukemia with pituitary involvement a case report,
  • The effects of improving testosterone levels on cardiovascular risk markers in young men with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism preliminary findings from a prospective study,
  • Evaluation of factors predict the efficacy of thyroid remnant ablation in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma,
  • Multifocal sclerosing thyroiditis a case report,
  • Amiodarone induced thyrotoxicosis a difficult cases report,
  • Primary hyperparathyroidism caused by mediastinum located ectopic parathyroid adenoma resected by video assisted thoracic surgery,
  • Could DHEA S be a novel marker at distinguishing adrenal and pituitary Cushing,
  • Gardner syndrome a case of presenting with agressive varyant papillary thyroide cancer,
  • RET V804M Proto Oncogene Mutation Presenting with Medullary and Papillary Thyroid Carcinomas in a Turkish Family,
  • Epicardial Fat Thickness and Left Ventricular Mass in Subjects with Adrenal Incidentaloma,
  • Evaluation of Atherosclerosis after Cessation of Cabergoline Therapy in Patients with Prolactinoma Preliminary Results of a Prospective Cohort Study,
  • The Relationship Between Testosterone Levels and Thyroid Volume in Young Men with Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism Preliminary Results of a Prospective Study,
  • The Relation Ship Between TSH Levels and Breast Lesions in Thyroid Cancer Patients,
  • Efficacy of L Thyroxine Treatment on Aterosclerotic Risk Markers in Patients with TSH Levels Between 2 5 5 Mu L Preliminary Outcome of Prospective Study,