Prof. Dr. Selami Sözübir was born in 1966 in Istanbul. After graduating from FMV Private Işık High School, he started Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty. Selami Sözübir graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in 1989 and completed his Pediatric Surgery specialization training in 1997, which he started in 1991. Later, he worked as a specialist pediatric surgeon at Samsun State Hospital, Zeynep Kamil Children's and Women's Hospitals, as a faculty member at Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, and as Head of Department at Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine between 2007 and 2019. Selami Sözübir, who received his pediatric urology specialization in addition to his pediatric surgery specialty in 2011, became Associate Professor in 2005 and Professor in 2010. Selami Sözübir worked at Dallas Children's Hospital in the USA, Toronto Sick Kids Hospital in Canada, Israel Tel Aviv Saurosky Hospital, Poland Warsaw Children's Hospital, Kosovo Pristina University hospitals outside of Turkey. Since 2019, he has been working as the Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery at Istinye University Faculty of Medicine and at Liv Hospital Ulus Hospital. He is a member of Pediatric Surgery Society, Pediatric Urology Society, Spina Bifida Society, Aegean Pediatric Thoracic Society and European Pediatric Urology Societies and has over 75 national and international scientific articles.
Araştırma Alanları
- Fetal wound healing
- The connection between Eph B2 gene and androgens
- The connection between Insl3 gene and testicular descent and torsion
- The effect of vas deferens damage to the infertility in testicular torsion
- The effect of cell adhesion molecules in esophageal atresia
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Çocuk Cerrahisi
- A comparison of two different doses of bupivacaine in caudal anesthesia for neonatal circumcision A randomized clinical trial, 2013
- Subsequent alterations in the contractile property of the vas deferens according to duration of spermatic cord torsion, 2011
- Effects of hydroxyzine midazolam premedication on sevoflurane induced paediatric emergence agitation, 2011
- Loss of Insl3 A Potential Predisposing Factor for Testicular Torsion, 2010
- Circumcision information for pediatricians, 2010
- Comparison of the effect of sevoflurane and halothane anesthesia on the fall in heart rate as a predictor of successful single shot caudal epidural in children, 2009
- The effect of 2 different concentrations of rectal ketamine on its premedicant features in children, 2008
- Internal jugular vein diameter in pediatric patients are the J shaped guidewire diameters bigger than internal jugular vein An evaluation with ultrasound, 2008
- Preoperative sonography of nonreducible inguinal masses in girls, 2008
- A very rare complication keloid formation after circumcision and its treatment, 2008
- Protective effects of N acetylcysteine on peroxidative changes of the fetal rat lungs whose mothers were exposed to cigarette smoke, 2007
- Advantages of Video Assisted Approach in Detecting Epididymal Anomalies and Treatment of Nonpalpable Testis, 2005
- Consistency of urodynamic parameters in children with detrusor instability How many times should the bladder be filled, 2005
- Ectopic Thoracic Kidney in a Child with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, 2005
- Familial ureteroceles an evidence for genetic background, 2005
- Effect of the prostacyclin derivate iloprost in experimental caustic esophageal burn, 2005
- Fibrinolytic treatment of complicated pediatric thoracic empyemas with intrapleural streptokinase, 2004
- Expression of cell adhesion molecules in the adriamycin induced esophageal atresia rat model, 2003
- Prenatal diagnosis of a prolapsed ureterocele with magnetic resonance imaging, 2003
- A new algorithm for primary hypospadias repair based on tip urethroplasty, 2003
- Dihydrotestosterone Induction of EphB2 Expression in the Female Genital Tubercle Mimics Male Pattern of Expression During Embryogenesis, 2003
- Ultrasonographic findings after laparoscopic repair of paediatric female inguinal hernias the vanishing rosebud, 2003
- Histological and Clinical Overlapping, 2001
- A Pseudoexstrophy with Penile Anomaly, 1997
- Lumbar teratoma with intraspinal extension, 1996
- Rızalar R Sözübir S Görk S What is your diagnosis, 1995
- Three dimensional anatomy of the pelvis in bladder exstrophy Description of bone pathology by using three dimensional computedtomography and its clinical relevance, 1900
- ISO 15189 accreditation experience at the Microbiology Laboratory of aTurkish University Hospital, 1900
- Acute appendicitis MR imaging and sonographic correlation, 1900
- Food protein induced proctocolitis in neonates and infants Clinical endoscopic histopathological findings and treatment, 1900
- Skandalakis cerrahi anatomi, ISBN: , 2007
- Çocuk cerrahisi ve Çocuk Ürolojisi, ISBN: 975-420-477-2, 2006